Backing up and Restoring Files

To help you manage your iFIX files, use the iFIX Backup and Restore feature. Access this feature through the Backup and Restore Wizard or from the command line. Command line parameters are available to automate backup or restore operations in scripting or external programs.

With this feature, you can backup your entire iFIX system or portions of it. You can later use these backed up files to restore your iFIX system, or specific parts of it. Additionally, you can restore your iFIX system to the factory default settings and files – a clean restore. This feature is helpful in configuring new computers with the same configuration, or in disaster recovery.

Overview of Files

A Custom Backup of iFIX includes a subset of the following files:

  • SCU files
  • Configuration files
  • Pictures and Dynamo sets
  • Process and alarm area databases
  • I/O driver configuration files and exported databases
  • Alarm files
  • Historical configuration and data files
  • Tag groups
  • Application files
  • Toolbars
  • Schedules
  • Global definition files and named colors
  • Chart group wizard files
  • Startup profiles
  • FIX32 picture and key macro files
  • Security files
  • Master and control recipes

A Full Backup includes all of your iFIX files in the following folders:

  • ALM path (*.*)
  • APP path (*.*)
  • HTR path (*.*)
  • HTRDATA path (*.*)
  • LOCAL path (*.*)
  • PDB path (*.*)
  • PIC path (*.*)
  • RCC path (*.*)
  • RCM path (*.*)

IMPORTANT: A Full Backup includes version dependent files. Do not restore a Full Backup from one version of iFIX to another version. Instead, use the Custom Backup option if you want to restore specific files from one version of iFIX to another.

Be aware that you can even backup and restore application files across multiple iFIX projects using the Project Path concept. For more information about modifying the project path, refer to the Best Practices for Managing Multiple iFIX Users section.


  • To backup and restore driver configuration files, you must add the driver in the SCU's SCADA Configuration dialog box. To add the I/O driver, from the SCU Configure menu, click SCADA. In the I/O Driver Definition area, click the browse (...) button to select the I/O driver name, and then click Add.
  • Be aware that configuration files for 7.x series drivers saved outside of the iFIX database directory will not be backed up with the Backup and Restore Wizard. If you installed iFIX to the default location, the path to the iFIX database directory is: C:\Program Files (x86)\GE\iFIX\PDB.
  • Be sure check the default iFIX path configurations in the SCU in each of your iFIX projects after you restore your files. For example, if you installed the latest version of iFIX to a 64-bit path C:\Program Files (x86)\GE\iFIX), and your previous picture files were installed to a 32-bit path (C:\Program Files (x86)\GE\iFIX), you will need to make sure you update these paths in the SCU to 64-bit.

Accessing the Backup and Restore Wizard

To access the Backup and Restore wizard, click the Start button and point to Programs, iFIX, Tools, and then Backup and Restore Wizard. You can also access the application by locating and running the BackupRestore.exe file in the iFIX folder, which is the folder where you installed iFIX. If you want to restore files, you must shut down iFIX before running the Backup and Restore wizard. Otherwise, iFIX should be running.

The following figure shows the main screen that appears when you open the Backup and Restore Wizard.

Backup and Restore Wizard

See Also

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