Creating High Performance Pictures

High-performance HMI displays provide information to operators in a concise and effective way that maximizes their ability to assess the state of a process. By minimizing visual distractions and irrelevant information, operators can more readily determine what actions they need to take. iFIX provides graphic tools including dynamos, a high-performance color palette, and a Web HMI toolbox that are designed to help you create pictures that follow industry guidelines for High-Performance HMI. The use of high performance graphic tools and settings are recommended for pictures intended for export to GE Web HMI. However, you can take advantage of high performance tools and design principles when designing your traditional iFIX pictures as well.

You can export and save GE Web HMI picture files to a folder. The exported files are in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format. When these exported files are uploaded to the GE Web HMI server, they can be viewed in the GE Web HMI browser client.

Once you have installed iFIX with support for GE Web HMI and high performance graphics, a Web HMI group appears in WorkSpace in the Tools tab in Ribbon view. The Web HMI group contains two buttons to help you create and export Web HMI pictures. In addition, high performance Dynamos are installed to help you create simple, concise graphics with minimal effort. For more information on using iFIX with support for GE Web HMI, refer to the following sections:

NOTE: This documentation assumes you are familiar with the traditional iFIX help and picture creation methods and tools. For more information, refer to the Creating Pictures e-book.