Publishing and Exporting Pictures to Web HMI

You can use the Picture Publish utility to publish iFIX pictures directly for display in the GE Web HMI. When a GE Web HMI picture is published, it can be used as a mimic in Web HMI.

You also can use this utility to export iFIX pictures for later display in the GE Web HMI client. When a GE Web HMI picture is exported, a <picture_name> folder is created in the Program Files (x86) \GE\iFIX\PIC\WebExport folder. The JSON file and a subfolder for images are saved in this folder. The image subfolder is only created if the picture contains bitmaps. Next, the folder is zipped and saved to the WebExport folder along with a log file. The zip file makes it easier to copy the files to the web server, where it will be extracted and used by the GE Web HMI browser. Log and zip files are created for each GE Web HMI picture exported.

For more information on how to publish and export pictures, refer to the Publishing iFIX Pictures to Web HMI and Exporting GE Web HMI Pictures to a Folder sections. For a description of the associated dialog box, refer to the Publish to Web HMI Dialog Box section.