The Publish to Web HMI dialog box allows you to publish your pictures to the selected GE Web HMI Server.
Select All
Select this check box to select all of the pictures in the list that you want to publish.
Picture List
Use this list to select the specific, individual iFIX pictures that you want to publish as mimics for Web HMI.
Export Mimic Path
Specifies the location of the folder to which the selected GE Web HMI pictures will be exported to. The default export folder location is: C:\Program Files (x86)\GE\iFIX\PIC\WebExport\.
If you are exporting files to a remote location, you must use a mapped network drive. For instance, you cannot export files to directly to \\MYServer\Program Files (x86)\GE\iFIX\PIC\WebExport\. Instead, use the drive: Y:\Program Files (x86)\GE\iFIX\PIC\ExportFiles\, where Y: is a map to \\MYServer.
Overwrite Existing Export Files
If selected, indicates that existing exported files in the Web HMI folder will be overwritten by the newly exported pictures.
Publish to Web HMI
Select this option to publish the selected picture files to your Web HMI Server. If the Publish to Web HMI option is not selected, then the pictures are only exported to Json files locally.
Overwrite Existing Mimics in Web HMI
Indicates that existing published files in the same directory will always be overwritten when you perform a new publish.
Publishes the selected picture files to the specified mimic location.
Closes the Publish to Web HMI dialog box without saving any of your changes.