Publishing iFIX Pictures to Web HMI

The Picture Publish utility allows you to select GE Web HMI picture files to be published to Web HMI. Additionally, this utility also exports the pictures files as Web HMI Json files to the default WebExport folder. For example: C:\Program Files (x86)\GE\iFIX\PIC\WebExport\ (as performed in iFIX 5.9).

To configure the Web HMI Server settings in iFIX:

  1. In the iFIX WorkSpace ribbon, select the Home tab, and then select Settings, and then User Preferences. The User Preferences dialog box appears.
  2. Select the Web HMI to open the Web HMI Configuration settings.
  3. In the Server Name field, enter the host name of your Web HMI Server.
  4. Optionally, change the default port (if another port is needed) and add a user name for logging in. These fields will auto populate the corresponding fields in the publishing dialog box when you go to publish your picture(s).
  5. Click Test Connection to confirm that you can reach the server.
  6. If a trusted connection is required for SSL, select the Required Trusted Connection check box.
  7. In the mimic export path, enter a path.

NOTE: If you are exporting files to a remote location, you must use a mapped network drive. For instance, you cannot export files directly to \\MYServer\Program Files (x86)\GE\iFIX\PIC\ExportFiles\. Instead, map to that location and use the mapped drive in the export location.

  1. Select the Publish to Web HMI check box.

To publish iFIX pictures to Web HMI:

  1. In Ribbon view, select the Tools tab and, in the Web HMI group, click on the Publish Picture button. The Publish Picture dialog box appears.
  1. Select the Select All check box, or select only the pictures that you want to export.
  2. If it is not already pre-populated with a path, in the Export Mimic Path field, choose a folder location to which the files are published to or accept the default location. You can either type the location into the Export location box, or click the Browse button and select the folder from the directory tree.

NOTE: If you are exporting files to a remote location, you must use a mapped network drive. For instance, you cannot export files directly to \\MYServer\Program Files (x86)\GE\iFIX\PIC\ExportFiles\. Instead, map to that location and use the mapped drive in the export location.

  1. If applicable, select the Overwrite Existing Export Files check box.
  2. Select the Publish to Web HMI check box.
  3. If applicable, select the Overwrite Existing Mimics in Web HMI check box.
  4. Select the Publish button.

NOTE: Objects in iFIX pictures that are exported with their Visible property set to False do not display in Web HMI.

For troubleshooting tips, refer to the Troubleshooting the Export section.