Creating Pictures for Export to GE Web HMI 

To create a new iFIX high performance picture for export to GE Web HMI, use the Web HMI Toolbox to select objects and to configure animations. The Web HMI Toolbox includes only those objects and experts that are supported for export to GE Web HMI pictures. If you use an existing picture, unsupported objects and scripts are not exported. The log file that is generated during the JSON export lists those elements that were not exported. Therefore, it is recommended that you create new pictures for your GE Web HMI environment in order to avoid reworking existing pictures.

The Web HMI Toolbox can be toggled on and off by clicking the Toolbox button found on the Tools tab in the Web HMI group of the WorkSpace ribbon. Once enabled, you can use any of the Web HMI Toolbox elements to create your pictures. For more information on the toolbox, refer to the Using the Web HMI Toolbox sections.

The elements in the Toolbox (and Dynamos) are designed to use the high-performance Color Box (palette). This color box contains the colors you need to assign high-performance HMI color to objects in your pictures. For more information on the color box, refer to the Using the High-Performance Color Box section.

You can configure animations in your high-performance pictures. Animations can be configured to use iFIX tags, Historian tags, or model references from your Web HMI model. Model references entered manually in the data sources field of the animation must begin and end with an @ (at sign). For example, to use the value of the model reference Pump1.Speed, enter @Pump1.Speed@ in the data source of the animation expert. For more information on creating animations, refer to the Creating Pictures ebook.

IMPORTANT: Even though the model reference in the data source for Web HMI pictures may look the same as the iFIX "tag group symbol," Web HMI does NOT need or use tag groups.

In addition, you can modify a data source within a picture using the group object's IsSelectable property. When a data source is contained in a group object with the IsSelectable property set to True, you can click on the group in the display and enter a new value. This new value is written to the database. For more information on controlling data sources, refer to the Controlling Data Sources in a Picture section.

iFIX, with support for GE Web HMI, also provides pre-built high performance Dynamos. Use these Dynamos to create a consistent design in your high-performance pictures. For a description of these high-performance Dynamos, refer to the Using High-Performance Dynamos section.