From the Security folder you can manage the iFIX security files.
In order to check in and check out security files, the iFIX user must have the Security Configuration application feature assigned to it, in addition to the Change Management feature.
TIP: For information on configuring users and application feature selection, refer to the Understanding iFIX Security section in the Configuring Security Features electronic book.
While iFIX is running, you cannot get security files from the iFIX WorkSpace. The Get feature, from both the right-click menu and from the PCM History window, is unavailable for Security Files. You can, however, use the Get Other Project command to copy these files to another location, and then update the SCU to run the project.
Be aware that security files that point to a remote security path or non-local iFIX path cannot be added to the Change Management Server. Make sure that the primary and backup security path in the Security application's Configuration dialog point to the iFIX Local folder. For instance, if you install iFIX to the default folder, this path is: C:\Program Files (x86)\GE\iFIX\LOCAL.
Also, be aware that you can only manage security files collectively. You cannot manage these files individually.