The Get Other Project option from the Manage menu allows you to copy an entire iFIX project from the Change Management Server to your local computer. You cannot copy another project to your local iFIX install path, you must enter another path. If you later want to run this project in iFIX you need to update the SCU.
The following figure shows an example of the Get Other Project dialog box. In this example, iFIX is installed to the C:\Program Files (x86)\GE\iFIX folder, so the Project Destination was changed to C:\ProjectB. This project will not run in iFIX until the SCU information is modified so that it runs in the proper path.
Select the Delete all existing files under Project Destination check box if you want to delete all existing files under the project you specify. If you select this check box, it is strongly recommended that you also select the Initialize Project Destination with iFIX default files check box.
Selecting the Initialize Project Destination with iFIX default files check box deploys all iFIX default system files to the project you specify. If you plan to start iFIX with this project, it is strongly recommended that you select this check box.