Components of the VBA Editor

There are several ways to launch VBA from iFIX. You can:

  • In the iFIX WorkSpace, in Ribbon view, on the Tools tab, click Visual Basic Editor.
  • In Classic view, select the Visual Basic Editor command from the WorkSpace menu.
  • In Classic view, click the Visual Basic Editor toolbar button on the Standard Toolbar.
  • Right-click the object that you want to write a script for and select Edit Script from the pop-up menu.
  • Click the Edit Script button when adding a button to a custom toolbar through the Customize Toolbar dialog box. See the Understanding Toolbars section of the Understanding iFIX manual for more information on how to customize toolbars.
  • Click the VB Editor button on the Add Timer Entry and Add Event Entry dialog boxes when creating an iFIX schedule or when using the Event or Timer Experts.

After you launch VBA, the Visual Basic Editor appears. The VBE consists of several different tools and windows to help you design, create, and manage your VBA projects. The tools you will use most often are shown in the following figure.

Microsoft Visual Basic Editor

See Also