The first step in setting up VisiconX to access data is to configure a Data Control to connect to an OLE DB data provider or ODBC driver.
By default, the Data Control automatically connects to the OLE DB data provider in the run-time environment. However, there may be times (when testing your configuration, for example) when you want to manually connect and disconnect from the data provider. To connect manually, you can add a command button to your picture and enter the following code for the command button Click event:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
End Sub
- The name of the subroutine shown here follows standard VBA naming convention, which does not apply to CimEdit Basic script language.
- In CIMPLICITY, the following additional code must precede the first reference of vxData1 in its scope:
Dim vxData1 As Object
Set vxData1 = CimGetScreen.Object.Objects.Item("vxData1").OleObject
For more information about VisiconX properties, methods, and events, see the VisiconX Automation Reference. For information how to use properties and events in your application, consult the appropriate topic below: