Using VisiconX Properties and Methods in iFIX

Like other iFIX objects, VisiconX objects have associated properties and methods that you can use in VisualBasic scripts or to animate other objects. These properties and methods give you the flexibility to use a variety of objects to access and display data.

For example, to let users access different databases in Run mode, you might want to insert individual, labeled command buttons rather than several Data Control objects. In Run mode, the user can click a button, which executes a Visual Basic script that uses the properties and methods of the Data Control to connect to a database and execute a query. You can even invoke the SQL Wizard in Run mode using the RunSQLWizard method.

You also use properties to animate other objects. For example, you typically animate grid objects with the ADORecords property of a Data Control. Similarly, you can use properties to animate other objects, like the caption of a Data link or the HorizontalFillPercentage of a rectangle.

The following sections describe how to use the properties and methods of the VisiconX objects: