To add multiple items to your
driver configuration:
- In the Power Tool's
Tree Browser, select the group to which you want to add multiple items.
- From the Display
Mode menu, choose Config Mode.
- From the Edit menu,
choose Add Multiple Items. The Device Browser dialog box appears.
- In the Path list,
use the plus buttons to expand the server and display the available server(s)
and tag types.
- Select the tag type
you want to select multiple items from. The associated item IDs are displayed
in the Items list.
- If applicable, use
the Filter to further limit the displayed item IDs.
- From the Items list,
select the first item you want to add to the group.
- Hold down the Ctrl
key and select the number of items you want to add to the group, or hold
down the Shift key and select a consecutive group of items. The number
of selected items is displayed in the Number of Items Selected box.
- Click OK. The Device
Browser closes and the number of items you chose are added under the selected
group in the Power Tool Tree Browser with the associated item IDs displayed
in the Item ID and Access Path boxes.
- To change the item
IDs of the added items, see Add and
Modify Item IDs from the Datablock Browser.
See Also