Device Browser Dialog Box
The Device Browser Properties Viewer is where you can configure Device Browser properties.
Displays all available access paths for the selected group. Use the plus and minus buttons to expand and collapse the list. Select the path you want to display the associated items in the Items list.
NOTE: Not all OPC servers support access paths.
Displays ItemIDs for the selected path.
Number of Items Selected
Displays the number of items you selected in the Items list.
Specifies the information you want to use to filter the list of displayed items. You can edit the filter, or select from the list. You can also use wildcards (i.e., ? to represent a single character, or * to represent two or more characters). The maximum number of items in the filter list is 10 and the list is cleared when you close the Power Tool.
NOTE: The filter is case sensitive. You must enter the item information exactly as it appears in the Items list.
Filter Button
Use this button to filter the list of items based on the information you specified in the Filter field.
iFIX Process Database Tag
Enable iFIX PDB Tag Auto-creation
Enables the Tag Desc Prefix, iFix Database Tag Type, and Tag Name Prefix settings to allow you to automatically create database blocks in, and to add existing items to, the iFIX Process Database.
If you select this check box on the Database Tag dialog box it will also be selected on the Device Browser and Datablock Browser dialog boxes.
If you select this check box on the Device Browser dialog box it will also be selected on the Database Tag and Datablock Browser dialog boxes.
If you select this check box on the Datablock Browser dialog box it will also be selected on the Database Tag and Device Browser dialog boxes.
iFIX Database Tag Type
Specifies the type of datablock you are creating. This setting is available on the Database Tag, Device Browser, and Datablock Browser dialog boxes. This setting is available only if the Enable iFix PDB Tag Auto-creation check box is selected.
Valid Entries
- AI – Analog Input
- AO – Analog Output
- DI – Digital Input
- DO – Digital Output
Tag Desc Prefix
Specifies the description of the datablocks you are creating. This setting is available on the Database Tag, Device Browser, and Datablock Browser dialog boxes. This setting is available only if the Enable iFix PDB Tag Auto-creation check box is selected.
By default, "AG-" is displayed. "AG-" is an acronym for "Auto Generated" and indicates, in the iFIX Process Database, that the tag has been automatically generated. Adding AG- to the description provides you with a way to search the iFIX Process Database for the tags you created in the OPC Client Power Tool.
Valid Entries
Up to 40 characters.
Tag Name Prefix
Specifies the prefix of the datablocks that you are creating. This setting is available on the Database Tag, Device Browser, and Datablock Browser dialog boxes. This setting is available only if the Enable iFix PDB Tag Auto-creation check box is selected.
- You cannot duplicate tag names in the iFIX process database. When adding the same item with a different tag type to the iFIX process database, you must add a Tag Name Prefix to the item name.
- Tag names must contain only alphanumeric characters. A tag name containing non-alphanumeric characters (e.g., *, ~) will prevent the tag from being added to the iFIX process database.