Alarm Service Configuration Dialog Boxes

The Alarm Service Configuration dialog box allows you to specify some or all of the following features for an alarm service:

  • Which alarm area information and messages are sent to the printer.
  • The format for the alarm information and messages.
  • The port the printer is connected to.
  • The name of the printer.
  • Whether manual alarm deletion is enabled or disabled.
  • The information for the ODBC Alarm Service.

The following sections describe the fields in each individual Alarm Service Configuration dialog box.

Alarm Printer Configuration Dialog Box



Port Definition Area

The Port Definition area lets you connect an alarm printer to serial ports (COM) 1 or 2, to parallel ports (LPT) 1 or 2, or to a USB port.  Each printer service must be attached to a unique port.  The default port is USB.

Printer Name Field

Allows you to specify the name of the alarm printer as it appears on the Alarm Configuration dialog box.  The printer name can be up to 32 characters in length.

Areas Button

Allows you to access the Configure Alarm Areas dialog box.  This dialog box lets you specify the alarm areas for the selected alarm service.

Format Button

Allows you to access the Alarm Service Message Configuration dialog box.  This dialog box lets you specify a format for the alarm information and messages generated by this node.

Alarm Summary Service Configuration Dialog Box



Manual Button

Allows you to enable manual alarm deletion.

Once manual alarm deletion is enabled, you can delete any alarm in the Alarm Summary OCX.  To delete these alarms, use one of the following methods:

  • Select the alarm you want to delete and then select the Delete command from the right mouse button menu.
  • Create a script for a push button that allows you to delete selected alarms.

Automatic Button

Allows you to disable manual alarm deletion.

Horn Support Enable

Allows you to enable the alarm horn so that an alarm sounds when a new alarm appears. The horn repeats at three speeds to distinguish between low, medium, and high priority alarms. A one-second increment between beeps signifies high priority alarm, a two-second increment signifies a medium priority, and a three-second increment signifies a low priority.

Horn Support Disable

Allows you to disable the alarm horn.

NOTE: You can later enable or disable the alarm horn from the Alarm Horn Expert once iFIX has started.  The SCU alarm horn settings and the the Alarm Horn Expert settings work independently of each other.  For example, if you disable the alarm horn in the SCU, then enable it using the alarm horn expert once iFIX has started, each time that you shutdown and restart iFIX, the horn will be disabled.  This occurs because the SCU setting is the initial value and it takes effect each time that you start iFIX.

Areas Button

Allows you to access the Configure Alarm Areas dialog box.  This dialog box lets you specify the alarm areas for the selected alarm service.

Alarm File Service Configuration Dialog Box



Areas Button

Click to access the Configure Alarm Areas dialog box.

Format Button

Click to access the Alarm File Service's Message Format Configuration dialog box.

Alarm History Service Configuration Dialog Box



Areas Button

Click to access the Configure Alarm Areas dialog box.

Format Button

Click to access the Alarm History Service's Message Format Configuration dialog box.

Alarm ODBC Service Configuration Dialog Box



Areas Button

Click to access the Configure Alarm Areas dialog box.

Configure Button

Click to access the iFIX Alarm ODBC Service Configuration dialog box.

Network Alarm Configuration Dialog Box



Send Startup Queue Alarms to Original Typers Check Box

Allows you to configure the Alarm Network Service to send start-up alarms to all of the client's enabled alarm destinations.

Startup Queue Configuration Dialog Box



Enable Time Filter Check Box

Allows you to filter the alarms received by the View node by selecting the Enable Time Filter check box and entering a time interval.  When you do this, the View node receives all current SCADA node alarms upon startup in addition to all previous alarms within the time interval you specify.

Filter Alarms Older Than Hours Field

Allows you to specify the number of hours previous to startup in which you want to receive the SCADA node's alarms.  Valid entries are from 0 to 23.  The default is 23.

NOTE: The default setting, 23 hours and 59 minutes, displays all of the SCADA node's alarms that occurred between the time the View node started up and the previous day.

Filter Alarms Older Than Minutes Field

Allows you to specify the number of minutes previous to startup in which you want to receive the SCADA node's alarms.  Valid entries are from 0 to 59.  The default is 59.

NOTE: The default setting, 23 hours and 59 minutes, displays all of the SCADA node's alarms that occurred between the time the View node started up and the previous day.

Summary Alarms Only Check Box

Allows you to receive only summary alarms on the View node.  To display summary and operator alarms on the View node, clear the Summary Alarms Only check box.

NOTE: If this check box is cleared when using the Alarm Startup Queue, duplicate alarms will be displayed on all alarm destinations except alarm summary every time the connection to a SCADA node is established.


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