A Dynamo is typically a group of objects that make up a custom object for use in multiple pictures across your system. If some or all of those objects are animated by a data source, the Build Dynamo with User Prompts dialog box appears, as shown in the following figure, when you apply the Build Dynamo wizard to the group.
Build Dynamo with User Prompts Dialog Box
The object(s) retains the animation properties associated with an object or group when you create the Dynamo object. During Dynamo object configuration, the Build Dynamo with User Prompts dialog box lets you assign meaningful user prompts to Dynamo properties.
For example, if you created a tank with several iFIX objects and used a rectangle as the animated fill portion of the tank, that rectangle is connected to an animation object whose source may be a database tag. Instead of displaying Rect1.VerticalFillPercentage as the animated property in the Dynamo's property dialog box, the Build Dynamo Wizard lets you name Rect1.VerticalFillPercentage to something more meaningful to Dynamo users, like Tank Fill. In this example, you would enter Tank Fill in the User Prompt field.
These user prompts appear in the Dynamo Properties dialog box when the Dynamo is double-clicked or when the Dynamo is first copied into a new picture. This allows you to quickly modify the data source associated with the property, if necessary.
The following sections describe the information displayed in the columns of this dialog box, including:
See Also
Creating Dynamos with Command Scripts
Creating Dynamo Objects without Animations
Changing the Configuration of a Dynamo
Using Partial Substitution for Dynamo User Prompts
Assigning the Same User Prompt for Multiple Object Properties
Displaying No User Prompts for a Dynamo Object with Animations