Configuring the Auto Alarm Manager Functionality

To configure the Auto Alarm Manager in iFIX, use the Auto Alarm Manager Configuration dialog box. In the iFIX SCU, on the Configure menu, click Auto Alarm Manager to open this dialog:

The Auto Alarm Manager Configuration dialog box allows you to enable and configure the Auto Alarm Manager option on either the Sender or Receiver node. The specific fields you complete depends on whether you are setting up the Sending node or the Receiving node. On the Sending node, complete the fields in the Send Alarms area, in the top half of the dialog box. On the Receiving node, complete the fields in the Receive Alarms area, in the bottom part of the dialog box. How you complete the dialog box depends on the type of node you are configuring, as the following table shows.

If you are configuring...


The Sending node

  • The primary contact.
  • The secondary contact.
  • The emergency tag to set if alarm delivery fails.
  • The alarm filters you want to assign to incoming alarms. The Auto Alarm Manager filters the alarms in its alarm queue based on the filters you select, as the figure Filtering Alarms shows.
  • The remote alarm areas you want to assign to outgoing alarms. Note that you can only assign alarm areas A through P to outgoing alarms. Other names from the alarm area database are invalid.
  • The delay between hanging up the modem, after all alarms are delivered or all retries are exhausted, and dialing the Receiving node when more alarms are queued.
  • The maximum number of times you want the Auto Alarm Manager to dial the primary or secondary contact.
  • The pause between each re-dial.
  • The disable tag. This tag prevents the Auto Alarm Manager from delivering alarms when the tag's value is 1.

The Receiving node

  • The Receiving tag. The Auto Alarm Manager sets this tag to 1 when it delivers new alarms. By connecting a Data link to this tag, you can have operators monitor when new alarms are received. You must reset the tag's value to 0 manually after receiving alarms so that operators can determine when the Auto Alarm Manager delivers the next set of alarms.

NOTE: For overview steps on the entire Auto Alarm Manager setup, including RAS, refer to the General Setup Steps for Auto Alarm Manager section.

See Also

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