Configuring Auto Alarm Manager Communication Timers

Because communication over a serial modem link can be slow, the Auto Alarm Manager provides two serial communication timers, a Send timer and a Receiver timer. The Send timer defines the number of seconds the Auto Alarm Manager has to send alarms to the Receiving node. The Receiver timer defines the number of seconds the Auto Alarm Manager waits for a response from the Receiving node that the alarms were delivered successfully. If either timer expires, the delivery attempt fails.

You can prevent delivery failures by adjusting one or both timer intervals. By default, the Send timer is 30 seconds and the Receive timer is 60 seconds. You can set both timers to any value from 5 to 120 seconds.

To specify a Sender and Receiver time-out, in the SCU's Configure menu, select the Auto Alarm Manager. In the Send Alarms area, click the Advanced button to open the Advanced Send Alarm Settings dialog box where you can enter these values in the bottom half of the dialog box.

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