Configuring the Auto Alarm Manager on the Sending Node
To configure
the Auto Alarm Manager on the Sending node:
- In Classic view, from the iFIX WorkSpace, click the System Configuration Utility button on the toolbar.
In Ribbon view, on the Applications tab, in the System & Security group, click SCU.
- On the Configure menu, click Auto Alarm Manager.
- Select the Enable option.
- Optionally, in the Disable Tagname field, enter the name of the database tag you that you want to enable or disable the automatic sending of alarms during runtime. Typically, you would use a Digital Output (DO) block type for this tag.
- In the Primary and Secondary Contact fields, enter the name of the primary and secondary contacts from your RAS phonebook. Use the browse (...) button to browse possible selections. The Secondary Contact field is optional.
- In the Emergency Tagname field, enter the name of the database tag you want to use. Typically, you would use a Digital Output (DO) block type for this tag.
- In the Max Retries field, enter the maximum number of times you want the Auto Alarm Manager to re-dial the primary or secondary contact.
- In the Pause Time field, enter the number of seconds you want the Auto Alarm Manager to pause between retries.
- In the Delay After Send field, enter the number of seconds you want the Auto Alarm Manager to wait between hanging up the modem and dialing the Receiving node again with new alarms.
- Configure alarm filters:
- Click the Remote Alarm Areas button to specify the alarm areas assigned to the outgoing alarms, enabling you to reassign the alarms selectively to new alarm areas before they are sent to the Receiving node.
- Click the Alarm Areas button to select one or more alarm areas and an alarm priority for incoming alarms, for alarm filtering purposes.
- In the Acknowledged Delivered Alarms area, click Yes to enable the Auto Alarm Manager to acknowledge alarms automatically.
- If iFIX is running as a service, click the Advanced button to specify a Windows account and password in the Advanced Send Alarm Settings dialog box. For more information, refer to the Configuring the Auto Alarm Manager as a Service section.
- If you want to configure more efficient communication intervals, click the Advanced button to specify a Sender and Receiver time-out in the Advanced Send Alarm Settings dialog box. For more information, refer to the Configuring Auto Alarm Manager Timers section.
By specifying these time-out intervals, you can configure how long the Auto Alarm Manager has to send alarms to the receiving server, and whether to flush alarm queues upon successful or unsuccessful delivery.
- Click OK.