Entering the Retry, Pause, and Delay Intervals on the Sender Node

To enter the retry, pause, and delay intervals on the sender node:

  1. In Classic view, from the iFIX WorkSpace, click the System Configuration Utility button on the toolbar.


In Ribbon view, on the Applications tab, in the System & Security group, click SCU.

  1. On the Configure menu, click Auto Alarm Manager.
  2. Make sure the Enable button is selected, so that you can edit the fields.
  3. In the Max Retries field, enter the maximum number of times you want the Auto Alarm Manager to re-dial the primary or secondary contact.
  4. In the Pause Time field, enter the number of seconds you want the Auto Alarm Manager to pause between retries.
  5. In the Delay After Send field, enter the number of seconds you want the Auto Alarm Manager to wait between hanging up the modem and dialing the receiving node again.
  6. Click OK.


See Also