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Examples of Data Collection
Raw Samples Collection Example
About this task
This topic describes how to collect raw samples using the Server-to-Server collector. The tagnames are the same on the source and destination. In this example, you add a
tag manually, and give it a tagname on the destination server (representing the meaning
of the calculated value).
The collector creates a tag on the destination with the tagname to hold the collected data. The formula of the created tag is Result=CurrentValue and the source is the trigger.
Advanced Collection Example
About this task
In this example, you calculate a value (such as an hourly average of a source tag)
or add two source tags together.
Using Historian Administrator, add a tag manually to the destination, as shown in the following
In the Tags section, select
In the Collection Type box, select
Set the Collection Interval to 1 hour.
Select Calculation.
In the Calculation section, enter the name of the tag,
or use the Insert Function Wizard to browse and select
the tagname. Then, build your calculation formula.
The following figure shows an example of inserting a calculated value
for a tag with the Insert Function Wizard.
Select Insert.
The Tag Maintenance page appears, showing the
formula in the Calculation section.
Select Update to save your changes.
A message appears, asking you if you want to test the
Select Yes.
The Server-to-Server collector will begin processing the created tag upon the next collector