Migrating Existing Advance Historian Data

About this task

When migrating Advanced Historian data, you can only run the migration from a node that either has the Advanced Historian Server or the Advanced Historian client installed. Also, ensure that Automatically Create Archives is enabled in Historian Administrator.

To migrate Advanced Historian data from an existing Advanced Historian node to your Historian Server:

Note: Before you begin, ensure the client's time is synchronized with the server's time and that there is enough free space on the Historian server to store the migrated data.


  1. From the Start menu, select the Migration Tool for Advanced Historian from the Historian directory.
  2. Enter the name of the Computer from which you are migrating the Advanced Historian data.
  3. If you configured Advanced Historian security, enter the username and password for security.
  4. The Advanced Historian Migration Tool automatically detects and displays the default server in the Historian Connection Information Computer Name field.
    If you want to change the server you migrate data to, enter that server name in the Computer Name field of the Historian Connection Information section.
  5. If necessary, enter a username and password in the Historian Connection Information Username and Password fields.
    If you do not provide a username and password, security defaults to check the currently logged in user.
    Note: You must have Write, Tag Administrator, and Read privileges in order to run the migration. it is recommended that Security Administrators run the migration, for best performance.
  6. If you do not wish to migrate all tags, enter a tagname mask for selected tags.
  7. Select a start and end date from the drop-down calendars.
    For more information on estimating migration time, please refer to the Estimate Migration Time section of this manual.
  8. If you want the Migration Tool to create tags automatically if they do not exist, leave the Configure New Tags as Required option selected.
    For more information on this setting, refer to the Plan Migrations with Online Systems section.
  9. If you do not wish to overwrite existing values with migrated values containing the same timestamp, clear the Allow Updates to Existing Data option.
  10. If you do not want your trend applications to display a continuous plot of the last good sample for that Historian tag, select the End of Collection marker.
    For more information on this setting, refer to Migration Options.
  11. Select the Start Migration button.
  12. Refer to the Migration History window and the log file for information on the success of the tag migration and any errors or problems encountered during migration.
    You can re-run the migration utility for any time period.