Migrate User Authentication Data from Historian to Common UAA Service

About this task

Starting Historian 8.0 version, you can use the common User Account and Authentication (UAA) service.
Note: You can either choose the common UAA deployed by any other products such as, Operations Hub, Plant Apps; or the common UAA deployed by Historian.
To use the common UAA service, you must migrate the UAA data should from Historian to the new local or external UAA.

To enable this migration of data the uaa_config_tool is introduced.

  • While migrating UAA details, we are setting default password as user123 for all the users. You should change it using UAA config tool once migration is done.
  • While setting up new password, it may ask you to enter the port number. By default, the port number is 443. If you have provided a different value in the Public https port field in the TCP port assignments page while installing Web-based Clients, you must provide that value.
  • Using this tool, you can back up the UAA data only for Historian 7.2 or earlier. And, you can migrate the data to Historian 8.0 or later.
    Important: Back up the data before upgrading to the latest version of Web-based Clients.

It includes the following tasks:

  1. Back up Historian UAA data.
  2. Migrate the data to an existing common UAA service.


  1. Open Command Prompt.
  2. Mount the ISO and navigate to the Utilities folder where the uaa_config_tool.exe file is located. After installation, uaa_config_tool is available in the following folder as well: <installation drive of Historian>\Program Files\GE Digital\Historian Config
    Important: You should back up the data before upgrading to 8.0 (Web-based Clients)
  3. Enter the following command to take a back up of the data:

    C:\ uaa_config_tool.exe backup_data -d "<destination folder>"

    <destination folder> is the location where you want to save the back up files. Note that you must enter the value in quotes.

    Note: You may be prompted to enter the password twice for Historian Database and UAA. Enter the password as GEIP123User
    Back up is generated and the data is saved in the destination folder.
  4. Copy the backup files to the machine where Web-based Clients are installed.
  5. Enter the following command to migrate the data:
    uaa_config_tool.exe migrate_data -h <host-addr> -m <portnum> -u <username> -s <secret> -l "<location path of backup files>"

    Example: uaa_config_tool.exe migrate_data -h vmhistwin2016 -m 443 -u admin -s gowt43df -l "c:\myuaabackupfiles"

    Note: While migrating UAA details, it may ask for port number at migrating historian database. The default value is 8432. If, however, you have provided a different value in the Historian database port field in the TCP port assignments page while installing Web-based Clients, provide that value.
    Value Description
    <host-addr> Address of the host or destination where you want to migrate the data.
    <portnum> Port number of the destination.
    <username> Username
    <secret> Client Secret
    <location path of backup files> Source location where the data is backed up.


  • The data is migrated to the destination that is, common UAA service.
  • The umtlog file is generated containing the details about backup and migration for users and groups.
  • The User_migration_report is generated which contains the migration status of the user data.
Note: Creation and migration of users and groups can fail of the user or group already exists in the destination.

What to do next

If user migration fails, you can change the username in the backup file and repeat Step 5.