Input Data and Historian Archive Data in Table Columns

There are two types of column data in the Historian OLE DB provider tables: input data and Historian archive data. Input data contains settings stored in the Historian OLE DB provider and has nothing to do with the data stored in the Historian archives. Historian archive data is the data retrieved from the Historian server.

While most columns contain Historian archive data, there are a few columns that contain input data. The following columns, no matter what table they appear in, contain input data and do not originate from the Historian archives:

  • SamplingMode
  • Direction
  • NumberOfSamples
  • IntervalMilliseconds
  • CalculationMode
  • FilterTag
  • FilterMode
  • FilterComparisonMode
  • FilterValue
  • FilterExpression
  • TimeZone
  • DaylightSavingsTime
  • RowCount

The columns in the previous list are used in a WHERE clause to specify query parameters for retrieved data.