RawTotal Mode
Retrieves the arithmetic total (sum) of sampled values for each interval.
- Value
The sum of the good quality values of all raw samples in the interval. All bad quality samples are ignored.
- Quality
Percent good is always 100, even if the interval does not contain any raw samples or it contains only bad quality samples.
- Example: Calculating the Raw Total
The following example demonstrates that only good quality samples are included in the sum. Perform the fol- lowing query on the same data set as that in the Count example above:
select timestamp, value, quality from ihrawdata where samplingmode=calculated and calculationmode=rawtotal and timestamp >= '29-Mar-2002 13:30' and timestamp <= '29-Mar-2002 14:30' and tagname = counttag and intervalmilliseconds = 10M
Time Stamp Value Quality 29-Mar-200213:40:00.000 0.00 100.00 29-Mar-200213:50:00.000 0.00 100.00 29-Mar-200214:00:00.00 22.00 100.00 29-Mar-200214:10:00.000 0.00 100.00 29-Mar-200214:20:00.000 0.00 100.00 29-Mar-200214:30:00.000 4.00 100.00 If the same start and end time are used, but the time span is treated as a single interval, then all values are added together:
select timestamp, value, quality from ihrawdata where samplingmode=calculated and calculationmode=rawtotal and timestamp >= '29-Mar-2002 13:30' and timestamp <= '29-Mar-2002 14:30' and tagname = counttag and numberofsamples=1
Time Stamp Value Quality 29-Mar-200214:30:00.000 26.00 100.00 Even though the time span covers all raw samples, only the two good quality samples are used in the calculation: 26 = 22 + 4
- Anticipated Usage
RawTotal mode is useful for calculating an accurate total when a sufficient number of raw samples are collected. Note that unlike ihTotal, this is a simple sum with no assumption that the values are rate values.