Reviewing the Active Collector Configuration

About this task

You can view the active collector configuration via the Historian Administration too, and you can also view the local Data collector SHOW (.shw) file.


  1. In the Historian Administrator Main screen, click the Collectors link. The Collector Maintenance screen appears.
    The Collector Maintenance screen appears.
  2. Select a data collector in the left column. The right column fills with current configuration data.
  3. Examine the current configuration settings to verify that they are appropriate.
    You can also review the active configuration by examining the local Data Collector SHOW(.SHW) File, as shown below:

  4. Scan the contents of the file and verify that the configuration parameters are correct for the application.
    If any of the values are not appropriate:
    1. Go back the Historian Administrator.
    2. Click the Collectors link to display the Collector Maintenance screen.
    3. Select a collector.
    4. Display the various tab pages and enter new values as appropriate..
    5. Click Update.
      The new values are stored in the Data Collector SHW file after 30 seconds.