Installing Historian Data Collectors

About this task

You can install the data collectors using the Historian product DVD. Observe the following guidelines when you install Historian Data Collectors:

  • You can install only one each of the iFIX, Machine Edition View, OSI PI, Alarm and Event, File, Calculation, Server-to-Server, or Simulation Collectors on a given computer.
  • You can install multiple OPC Collectors on a single computer, one for each OPC Server that is installed on the machine.
  • Expect an increased processing load if your data source uses iFIX networking.
    Note: iFIX networking does not provide buffering for data from a remote iFIX node. It is recommended that you install a data collector on each iFIX SCADA node to collect data from that iFIX node. This is both faster and more robust.

Installing Historian data collectors:


  1. Insert the Historian install DVD on the computer you designate as a collector node and run the Install program.
  2. In the Install window, select the appropriate Historian Collector in addition to any previously installed components, and click Next.
  3. If you want the destination to be Historian server, select Historian or if you want the destination to be on Predix Cloud, select Predix Cloud. For more information, refer to Installing Collectors with destination on Predix Cloud below.
  4. Specify the name of a Historian Server (the name of the computer on which Historian archive resides) that you will be sending data to.
  5. If you are installing an OPC Collector, when prompted, select an OPC Server(s) from the list that appears in the wizard.
    The install program automatically installs the Historian API with the Collector.

    During installation, the install program automatically names the Data Collector. The registration of the collector with the server occurs automatically the first time the collector starts and successfully connects to the server specified at install time.

    When you install a collector, Historian creates a BufferFiles folder in your Historian directory (typically, C:\Proficy Historian Data\BufferFiles). This folder stores the buffered outgoing data if the connection is lost to the server. Note that these buffer files can grow quite large if you have a lot of tags or are disconnected for a long time.

    Refer to Hardware Requirements to ensure that you have adequate disk space when installing Historian.

What to do next

Installing Collectors with destination on Predix Cloud
  1. Select Predix Cloud as the destination for the collector to configure bimodal/cloud capable collector.

  2. The Cloud Information and Configuration screen appears when you select Predix Cloud. All the information provided in this screen will be saved to HISTORIANNODENAME registry for the collector. It is not recommended to manually update this key post install, as certain fields are auto generated during install and cannot be updated once the install is complete. For information about the fields on this screen, refer to Cloud Information and Configuration Fields. See Reconfigure Cloud Information and Configuration for updating the cloud information after the install.

  3. The Datapoint Attributes screen appears. The use of datapoint attributes is optional. This can be useful in sending additional metadata to the Predix Time Series.

    Note: If you want to use Datapoint attributes, more information is available on the GE website: Time Series.
    If you do not want to set the data point attributes, skip this screen and click Next.
  4. The Do you want to use an offline configuration? screen appears.
    1. If you want to install cloud collector using offline configuration, select Offline Configuration. To know more information about Offline Configuration, refer to Offline Configuration for Collectors.


    2. If you want to install the cloud collector using historian configuration, select Historian Configuration. For this you must provide the machine address where Historian Server or Historian client tools (Historian Administrator) are installed in order to browse and configure tags.
    3. Click Next and proceed with further installation.

Silent install of Cloud Collectors

For Silent install of Cloud Collectors, see section: Installing a Collector Silently using the Command Line.

Upgrading cloud collector

Upgrading a cloud collector follows the same steps as upgrading the corresponding Historian Data Collector.