Utility Functions
Utility functions help you to make use of the other System API calls such as data read and write and connect. Utility Functions are as follows:
This function returns timestamps that can be used in read and write functions.
ihTimeLCLPartsToUTCStructEx {
ihServerHandle hServer, // server handle returned from previous call to ihServerConnect or just pass
ihINVALID_HANDLE if not using server time zone
int Year, // the 4 digit year such as 1998 or 2004 in the local time zone
int Month, // the month 1 (January) to 12 (December) in the local time zone
int Day, // the day 1 to 31 in the local time zone
int Hour, // the hour 0 to 23 in the local time zone
int Minute, // the minute 1 to 59 in the local time zone
int Second, // the second 1 to 59 in the local time zone
int MilliSecond, // the millisecond 0 to 999 in the local time zone
ihTimeZones TimeZoneFlag, // client or server or explicit timezone
int TimeZoneBiasExplicit, // only used if TimeZoneFlag is explicit
int DaylightSavingsTime, // TRUE if you want to use the Daylight Saving Time setting in Control Panel,
FALSE if you want to never use Daylight Saving Time.
ihTimeStruct *Time // the output parameter containing the converted timestamp
Use this function to return timestamps to be used in data read and write functions for start and end time of queries. The function takes a server handle however, you need not be connected to the server unless you specify the TimeZoneFlag as server time zone. If you are just using timestamps in local time zone you can use ihTimeLCLPartsToUTCStruct()
Returns Status | Message |
ihuSTATUS_OK | On success. |
This function is used to convert the timestamps returned by System API into your local time zone.
void ihTimeUTCStructToLCLPartsEx {
ihServerHandle hServer, // server handle returned from previous call to ihServerConnect or just pass
ihINVALID_HANDLE if not using server time zone
int *Year, // output parameter to contain the 4 digit year
int *Month, // output parameter to contain the month 1 to 12
int *Day, // output parameter to contain the day 1 to 31
int *Hour, // output parameter to contain the hour 0 to 23
int *Minute, // output parameter to contain the minute 0 to 59
int *Second, // output parameter to contain the second 0 to 59
int *MilliSecond, // output parameter to contain the milliseconds 0 to 999
ihTimeZones TimeZoneFlag, // client or server or explicit timezone
int TimeZoneBiasExplicit, // only used if TimeZoneFlag is explicit
int DaylightSavingsTime, // TRUE if you want to use the Daylight Saving Time setting in Control Panel,
FALSE if you want to never use Daylight Saving Time.
ihTimeStruct *UTCTime // the timestamp to be converted
Use this function to convert timestamps returned by the System API into your local time zone for display. The function takes a server handle however, you need not be connected to the server unless you specify the TimeZoneFlag as server time zone. If you are just using client time zone you can use ihTimeUTCStructToLCLParts()
Returns Status | Message |
Void | Void. |
This function returns the current time stamp as UTC. You can add and subtract seconds from this time to read and write data with timestamps relative to now.
void ihTimeCurrentUTCStruct {
ihTimeStruct *UTCTime // output parameter containing the current time
Use this function to get the current time so that you can use it in other System API functions such as the end time of a query or the timestamp of a data write.
Returns Status | Message |
Void | Void. |
This function is used to convert Unicode string to ANSI format which can be used by API applications and other programs.
ihUtilAnsiToUnicode {
char *MBStr, // the non Unicode string
ihChar *WCStr // the output buffer to contain the converted Unicode string
Use this function if you want to convert any Unicode string returned by the System API to ANSI format that can be used by other API application and programs.
You must allocate the buffer for the Unicode string. Allocate a large enough buffer as System API does not validate the length.
Returns Status | Message |
Void | Void. |
This function is used to convert ANSI strings to Unicode in order to pass them into System API functions.
ihUtilUnicodeToAnsi {
char *MBStr,ihChar *WCStr
RemarksUse this function to convert ANSI strings to Unicode for passing them into the System API connect or read or write functions and so on.
You must allocate the buffer for the ANSI string. Allocate a large enough buffer as System API does not validate the length.
Returns Status | Message |
Void | Void. |
This function returns a string for a numeric error code. The string is not translated into other languages.
ihUtilErrorDesc {
ihStatus ErrorNum, // the error number
ihString ErrorDesc, // the output parameter to contain the string
int Len // the length of the output buffer
This utility function returns an English language string for a numeric error code if you don ?t want to provide your own.
Returns Status | Message |
Void | Void. |
Time Functions
Use this function to convert Local Date/Time Parts to Universal Time Coordinated Structure.
ihTimeLCLPartsToUTCStruct {
int Year,
int Month,
int Day,
int Hour,
int Minute,
int Second,
int MilliSecond,
ihTimeStruct *UTCTime};
The System API functions that read and write data require timestamps to be in GMT+0 timezone. This function can be used to convert your local timestamps into a format that can be passed into other System API functions such as ihDataAdd
Enter your timestamp in the first 6 parameters and the converted timestamp gets returned in the UTC Time parameter. The time that you enter should be in the timezone of the system that is running your program. If you need additional control of the time zone and Daylight Saving Time parameters then use the ihTimeLCLPartsToUTCStructEx
Returns Status | Message |
Void | Void. |
Use this function to convert Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) time zone structure to Local Date/Time parts.
ihTimeUTCStructToLCLParts {
int *Year,
int *Month,
int *Day,
int *Hour,
int *Minute,
int *Second,
int *MilliSecond,
ihTimeStruct *UTCTime
Enter your timestamp in as the UTCTime parameter and the converted timestamp is returned in the first 6 parameters. For example the samples returned from an ihDataOpenRecordset
have timestamps that can be converted with this function.
The hours and minutes and seconds will be returned in the timezone of the system running your program. If you need additional control over the time zone or Daylight Saving Time parameters then use the ihTimeUTCStructToLCLPartsEx
Returns Status | Message |
ihSTATUS_OK | On Success. |
Use this function to convert UTC structure to FILETIME.
ihTimeUTCStructToFileTime {
ihTimeStruct *UTCTime,
void *FileTime
Use this function to convert Historian UTC timestamps into a FILETIME that could be passed into other Microsoft Windows functions.
Returns Status | Message |
ihSTATUS_OK | On success. |
ihSTATUS_FAILED | For any other type of error. |
Use this function to convert FILETIME (LOCAL) to UTC structure.
ihTimeLCLFileTimeToUTCStruct {
void *FileTime, ihTimeStruct *UTCTime
If you got a FILETIME from some Microsoft Windows call, use this function to convert it to a format that can be used by other System API functions. The FILETIME is assumed to be in UTC timezone. If the FILETIME is in local time then use the ihTimeLCLFileTimeToUTCStruct function.
Returns Status | Message |
1 | On success. |
0 | Any type of error. |
Query Modifiers Functions
Use this function to clear the previously assigned modifiers and then set new modifiers.
ihQueryModifiersAssign {
ihQueryModifiers *Modifiers, int NumModifiers, ...
This function would not be called by a user program.
Returns Status | Message |
Void | Void. |
Use this function to clear the modifiers.
ihQueryModifiersClear {
ihQueryModifiers *Modifiers
This function would not be called by a user program.
Returns Status | Message |
Void | Void. |
Use this function to add a modifier to a mask of modifiers.
ihQueryModifiersSet {
ihQueryModifiers *Modifiers, ihQueryModifier Modifier
Use this function to add a querymodifer to a mask of modifiers that would then be passed into a data read call. The set of available modifiers is available in the ihQueryModifier
Returns Status | Message |
Void | Void. |
Use this function to check whether the specified modifier is already present in the modifier mask.
ihQueryModifiersIsSet {
ihQueryModifiers *Modifiers, ihQueryModifier Modifier
You can use this function to prepare a query modifier mask which can then be passed to a data read call.
Returns Status | Message |
True | The modifier has already been added to the task. |
False | Otherwise. |
Use this function to get a list of possible query modifiers from the destination archiver. Older versions of Historian might support fewer modifiers than the version your program is running on.
ihQueryModifierOpenRecordset {
ihServerHandle hServer, ihQueryModiferRecordset *QueryModiferRecordset
You should use this function if your program can be communicating with older Data Archivers to ensure your query modifier is available.
Free the returned recordset using the ihQueryModifierCloseRecordset
Returns Status | Message |
ihSTATUS_OK | On success. |
ihSTATUS_FAILED | For any other type of error. |
Use this function to free memory returned from ihQueryModifierOpenRecordset
ihQueryModifierCloseRecordset { ihQueryModiferRecordset *RecSet };
Use this function and do not call any Microsoft Windows functions to free the memory.Returns
Returns Status | Message |
Void | Void |
Use this function to build a data criteria from the criteria string.
ihDataCriteriaFromString {
ihServerHandle hServer, ihDataCriteria *Criteria, ihString CriteriaString
This function would not be called by a user program.
Returns Status | Message |
None | None |
DataStore Functions
Use this function to create additional data stores if your license allows it.
ihDataStoreAdd { ihServerHandle hServer,
ihString DataStoreName,
ihBoolean IsDefault,
ihString Description,
ihDataStorageType StorageType
Some data stores are created automatically when the Data Archiver is started. Use this function if you need to create additional ones. The number of data stores is licensed on your key.
Returns Status | Message |
ihSTATUS_OK | On success. |
ihSTATUS_NOT_PERMITTED | If adding the data store would exceed your licensed count. |
ihSTATUS_FAILED | For any other type of error. |
Use this function to delete a data store on the specified Data Archiver.
ihDataStoreDelete {
ihServerHandle hServer, ihString DataStoreName
You can only delete a data store if all tags have been removed from it. You cannot delete the System data store.
Returns Status | Message |
ihSTATUS_OK | On success. |
ihSTATUS_FAILED | For any other type of error. |
Use this function to rename an existing data store.
ihDataStoreRename {
ihServerHandle hServer, ihString DataStoreName, ihString NewDataStoreName
Once the data store is renamed it can only be referred to by its new name.
You must be a member of the ihArchive Admin security group to perform renames.
Returns Status | Message |
ihSTATUS_OK | On success. |
ihSTATUS_FAILED | For any other type of error. |
Use this function to get the details of the configured data stores on the specified Data Archiver.
ihDataStoreOpenRecordset {
ihServerHandle hServer, ihString DataStoreMask, ihDataStoreRecordset *Recordset
You can specify a name mask or just pass NULL or ?r;* to get all data stores.
Free the returned list using the ihDataStoreCloseRecordset
Returns Status | Message |
ihSTATUS_OK | On success. |
ihSTATUS_FAILED | For any other type of error. |
Use this function to free the memory in the list returned from ihDataStoreOpenRecordset
ihDataStoreCloseRecordset {
ihDataStoreRecordset *Recordset
Use this function to free the memory, do not use Microsoft Windows calls to free the memory.
Returns Status | Message |
Void | Void |
Use this function to set or change properties of an existing data store. You use ihArchiverSetOption
to set options and use this function to indicate a data store is the default or to set the description.
ihDataStoreSetProperties {
ihServerHandle hServer,
ihString DataStoreName,
ihBoolean IsDefault,
ihString Description,
ihDataStorageType StorageType
Most data store configuration will be done by setting options but this function is available if you need to change the default data store.
Returns Status | Message |
ihSTATUS_OK | On success. |
ihSTATUS_API_TIMEOUT | If the servername or IP address provided cannot be located. |
ihSTATUS_NOT_CONNECTED | If you are not currently connected. |
ihSTATUS_ACCESS_DENIED | If you are not allowed to add or modify tags. Possibly you are not a member of the ?r" ih Tag Admins group. |
ihSTATUS_LIC_TOO_MANY_TAGS | If adding this tag would exceed your licensed tag count. |
ihSTATUS_FAILED | For any other type of error. |
Security Functions
Use this function to get the list of security groups that exist in the operating system where the Data Archiver is running. This can be a different list than where your client program is running.
All security groups would be returned, not just the specific ihSecurity Admins, ihTag Admins, and so on. You must free the returned recordset using the ihSecurityGroupCloseRecordset
ihSecurityGroupOpenRecordset {
ihServerHandle hServer, ihSecurityGroups *Grps
To know the list of security groups while setting up a tag to use tag level security, use this function call to give you the name of any groups that exist at the archiver. And when you assign that name to a tag read security group, then the Data Archiver will check that group when the tag is read. This is why you need the list of groups at the Data Archiver and not at the client PC, because the Data Archiver should be able to access the group and its members.
All security groups would be returned, not just the specific ih Security Admins, ih Tag Admins, and so on.
You must free the returned recordset using the ihSecurityGroupCloseRecordset
Returns Status | Message |
ihSTATUS_OK | On success. |
ihSTATUS_FAILED | For any other type of error. Other errors on their respective Network or Security failures. |
Use this function to free the list returned from a ihSecurityGroupOpenRecordset
ihSecurityGroupCloseRecordset {
ihSecurityGroups *Grps
Use this function instead of freeing the memory via operating system calls.
Returns Status | Message |
Void | Void |
Use this function to get the value of security options from the specified Data Archiver.
ihSecurityGetOption {
ihServerHandle hServer, ihOption Option, ihChar **OptionValue
You could get the value of security related options such as ihSecurityStrictClientAuthentication
or ihSecurityStrictCollectorAuthentication
You need to be a member of ih Readers security group to be able to get
Returns Status | Message |
ihSTATUS_OK | On success. |
ihSTATUS_FAILED | For any other type of error. Other errors on their respective Network or Security failures. |
Use this function to free the memory returned by a previous ihSecurityGetOption
ihChar *OptionValue
Use this function to free the option value. Do not free the memory using operating system calls.
Returns Status | Message |
Void | Void |
Use this function on an established connection to determine what Proficy Historian security groups that the Data Archiver considers you a member of. This will determine what permissions you have within Historian.
ihSecurityGetmemberships {
ihServerHandle hServer, ihSecurityGrpMembership *Memberships
Group memberships are established at connect time. If groups are created or your account is added to groups then you need to disconnect and connect again to get the correct level of permissions.
Returns Status | Message |
ihSTATUS_OK | On success. |
ihSTATUS_FAILED | For any other type of error. Other errors on their respective Network or Security failures. |