Method Reference M-P


ManageServerDialog Method (ServerManager Object)

Displays a dialog box to manage server connection information on the client. This dialog box allows you to add and remove new connections, and to modify the default username and password. This method optionally returns the name of the server last selected in the dialog.


Table 1. Parameters
NameData TypeDescription
SelectedServer StringName of the selected Historian Server (optional, read/write).



Dim MyManager As New iHistorian_SDK.ServerManager
Dim MyServer As iHistorian_SDK.Server
Dim SelectedServer As String
' Show the manage server dialog
MyManager.ManageServerDialog SelectedServer
' If a server was selected, get the server
If Trim(SelectedServer) <> "" Then
Set MyServer = MyManager.Servers(SelectedServer) End If


NewRecordset Method (Data Object)

Returns a new DataRecordset object to subsequently build a query for tag data from the Historian server. It is the responsibility of the developer to release the DataRecordset object when processing has been completed. DataRecordset objects may be re-used by re-executing a query with new criteria set through the DataCriteria of the DataRecordset object.

You must also use a new DataRecordset object to add new data points to the system and delete existing data points from the system. Changes are not committed until calling the WriteRecordset method of the DataRecordset object.






DataRecordset. A new, empty, DataRecordset object.

NewRecordset Method (Messages Object)

Returns a new MessageRecordset object to build a query for messages and alerts from the Historian server message archive. You must release the MessageRecordset object when processing completes. You can re-use a MessageRecordset object by re-executing a query with new criteria set through the MessageCriteria of the MessageRecordset object.

To add new messages, you must use a new MessageRecordset object. Call the WriteRecordset method of the MessageRecordset object to commit changes to the archiver.






MessageRecordset. Returns the newly created MessageRecordset object.

NewRecordset Method (Tags Object)

Returns a new TagRecordset object to build a query for tag information. You must terminate the TagRecordset object when processing completes. You can re-use the TagRecordset objects by re-executing a query with new criteria set through the TagCriteria of the TagRecordset object.

You must also use a new TagRecordset object to add new tags to the system and to delete tags from the system. Call the WriteRecordset Method of the TagRecordset object to commit changes to the archiver.






TagRecordset. Returns a reference to the newly created Recordset Object.

Purge Alarms By Id Method

Purges a single alarm as identified by its alarm ID.


Table 2. Parameters
Name Data Type Description
AlarmIds Long Alarm ID of the alarm.


Boolean. Returns TRUE if the alarm is purged.


Dim Status As ihStatus
            Dim ReturnStatus As Boolean
            Dim Alarms() As Long
            Dim NumberOfAlarms As Long
            Dim i As Long
            Status = ihSTATUS_FAILED ReturnStatus = False
            NumberOfAlarms = (UBound(AlarmIds) + 1)
            ReDim Alarms(0 To NumberOfAlarms - 1) As Long
            On Error GoTo errc
            For i = 0 To NumberOfAlarms - 1
            Alarms(i) = AlarmIds(i)
            Next i
            Status = ihPurgeAlarmsById(MyServer.Handle, Alarms(0), NumberOfAlarms, 0)
            If Status <> ihSTATUS_OK Then err.Raise 1, , "Error Purging alarms by Id[" + ErrorDescription(Status) + "," + CS ReturnStatus = True
            PurgeAlarmsById = ReturnStatus errc:
            zLastError = "Purge Alarms By Id>> " + err.Description
            PurgeAlarmsById = ReturnStatus
            End Function

Purge Alarms Method

Purges or deletes the alarms from the Archiver.



Table 3. Parameters
Name Data Type Description
BackupFile String The file that stores the purged alarm data.
ShouldZipAlarmsBooleanIndicates whether the alarms should be zipped into file or not.
StartTimeDateStart time of the alarms.
EndTimeDateEnd time of the alarms.


Boolean. Returns TRUE if the alarms are purged.


Dim Status As ihStatus
                        Dim AlarmsStartTime As ihTimeStruct Dim AlarmsEndTime As ihTimeStruct Dim ShouldZip As ihBoolean
                        Dim ReturnStatus As Boolean 
                        Status = ihSTATUS_FAILED ReturnStatus = False
                        AlarmsStartTime = Date_To_UTC(StartTime) AlarmsEndTime = Date_To_UTC(EndTime)
                        If ShouldZipAlarms = True Then
                        ShouldZip = ihTRUE Else
                        ShouldZip = ihFALSE End If
                        On Error GoTo errc
                        Status = ihPurgeAlarms(MyServer.Handle, BackupFile, ShouldZip, AlarmsStartTime, AlarmsEndTime, 0)
                        If Status <> ihSTATUS_OK Then err.Raise 1, , "Error Purging alarms [" + ErrorDescription(Status) + "," + CStr(St 
                        ReturnStatus = True PurgeAlarms = ReturnStatus errc:
                        zLastError = "Purge Alarms>> " + err.Description
                        PurgeAlarms = ReturnStatus
                        End Function