Method Reference I-L


Import Method (Alarms Object)

This function imports the alarms/events in the specified file into this Alarms object.
CAUTION: Any previously imported alarms will be discarded.


object.Import(FileName, FileFormat)

Table 1. Parameters
Name Data Type Description
FileNameStringFully qualified import filename (read-only).
FileFormatLongFile format of the import file (read-only).


Boolean. Returns whether or not the Import operation succeeded.

Import Method (DataRecordset Object)

Imports the specified file into the current DataRecordset. If the DataRecordset contains items when the Import Method is invoked, the method first clears current DataRecordset before it imports the specified file.


object.Import(FileName, FileFormat)

Table 2. Parameters
Name Data Type Description
FileNameStringFully qualified import filename (read-only).
FileFormatLongFile format of the import file (read-only).


Boolean. Returns whether or not the Import operation succeeded.


' Get A New Recordset
Set MyRecordset = MyData.NewRecordset
' Import The File
If Not MyRecordset.Import("C:\Temp\ImportData.CSV", ihFileFormat.CSV) Then
Err.Raise 1, , "Error Importing File:" + MyRecordset.LastError
End If
' Commit Data
If Not MyRecordset.WriteRecordset Then
Err.Raise 1, , "Error Committing File: " + MyRecordset.LastError
End If

ImportMethod (EnumeratedSets Object)

Imports the specified file into the EnumeratedSets collection. The following file formats are supported:
CSVFile is imported/exported as comma separated values.1
XMLFile is imported/exported as XML.2
Imported files follow a specific format that contains specific keywords. With CSV files, the first row of the file establishes the fields in the file and their positions. With XML reports, the files describe the format of the data.


object. Import(FileName, FileFormat, Server)

Table 3. Parameters
Name Data Type Description
FileNameStringFully qualified export file name (read-only).
FileFormatihFileFormatFile format of the export file (read-only).
ServerServer Server from which the sets are imported.


Boolean. Returns True if the sets have been imported successfully.

Import Method (MessageRecordset Object)

Attempts to import a list of Messages from a file.


object.Import(FileName, FileFormat)
Table 4. Parameters
Name Data Type Description
FileFormatihFileFormatThe format of the file specified in FileName
FileNameStringThe name of the file to import.


Boolean true if the Import succeeded, false otherwise.

Import Method (TagRecordset Object)

Imports the specified file into the current TagRecordset. If the TagRecordset contains items when the Import method is invoked, the method first clears the current TagRecordset before importing the specified file. After you have imported a file, call the WriteRecordset method of the TagRecordset object to save the data to the Historian server. The following file formats are supported:
CSV File is imported/exported as comma separated values.1
XMLFile is imported/exported as XML.2
Report File is exported as a columnar report.3
Imported files follow a specific format that contains specific keywords. With CSV and tabular reports, the first row of the file establishes the fields in the file and their positions. With XML reports, the files describe the format of the data.
Note: Prepare a file for import by exporting it with the desired fields for import.


object.Import(FileName, FileFormat)

Table 5. Parameters
Name Data Type Description
FileNameString Fully qualified import file name (read-only).
FileFormatLong File format of the import file (read-only).


Returns whether or not the Import operation succeeded.


' Get a new recordset
Set MyRecordset = MyTags.NewRecordset
' Import the file
If Not MyRecordset.Import(Path & "ImportTags.csv", ihFileFormat.CSV) Then err.Raise 1, , "Error importing file: " & MyRecordset.LastError
End If
' Commit Data
If Not MyRecordset.WriteRecordset Then
err.Raise 1, , "Error committing file: " & MyRecordset.LastError
End If

Import Method (UserDefinedType Object)

Applies to:

Imports the specified file into the User Defined Type collection. The following file formats are supported:
CSV File is imported/exported as comma separated values.1
XMLFile is imported/exported as XML.2
Imported files follow a specific format that contains specific keywords. With CSV files, the first row of the file establishes the fields in the file and their positions. With XML reports, the files describe the format of the data.


object. Import(FileName, FileFormat, Server)

Table 6. Parameters
Name Data Type Description
FileFormatihFileFormat File format of the import file (read-only).
FileNameString Fully qualified export file name (read-only).
ServerServerServer from which the sets are imported.


Boolean. Returns TRUE if the type imports successfully.

InitiateFailover Method (Collectors Object)

Manually tries to initiate a Failover to a redundantly configured collector.



Table 7. Parameters
Name Data Type Description
CollectorName String Name of the collector to fail-over.


Collector. Returns Success/Failure.


Dim MyCollectors As iHistorian_SDK.Collectors 
Set MyCollectors = MyServer.Collectors 
MyCollectors.InitiateFailover "SimulationCollector"


LastError Method (Alarms Object)

This function returns the last error message generated by this object.






String. The last error message encountered.

LoadUserCalcLibrary Method (Server Object)

Retrieves the user calculation library from the Server object. This library contains all of the user-created functions and subroutines available for calculations on this Server. The calculation library will be returned as an array of UserCalcFunction objects. If no functions exist in the library, UserCalcFunctions should be set to Empty



Table 8. Parameters
Name Data Type Description
UserCalcFunctions VariantResulting array of UserCalcFunction objects.


Boolean. Returns whether or not the calculation library was loaded successfully.


Dim MyServer As New iHistorian_SDK.Server
Dim MyUserCalcFunctions() As iHistorian_SDK.UserCalcFunction
Dim MyNewFunction As New iHistorian_SDK.UserCalcFunction
' Connect to the local server
If Not MyServer.Connect("", "", "") Then
err.Raise 1, , "Failed to connect to the local server" End If
' Load the calculation library
MyServer.LoadUserCalcLibrary MyUserCalcFunctions
' Create a new function
MyNewFunction.Name = "Sum"
MyNewFunction.Definition = "Function Sum(a, b)" & vbCrLf & "Sum = a + b" & vbCrLf & "End Function"
' Add it to the loaded library
If IsArray(MyUserCalcFunctions) Then
ReDim Preserve MyUserCalcFunctions(UBound(MyUserCalcFunctions) + 1) Else
ReDim MyUserCalcFunctions(0) End If
Set MyUserCalcFunctions(UBound(MyUserCalcFunctions)) = MyNewFunction
' Save the changes to the calculation library
If Not MyServer.SaveUserCalcLibrary(MyUserCalcFunctions) Then err.Raise 1, , "Failed to save the calculation library"
End If