Adding a Mirror Node Manually


  1. Click the Add Mirror button in the Services Configuration page.
  2. Enter the Computer Name or the IP Address and click Add .
    A message box appears asking, "Do you want to manually copy the archive and configuration files to the new node to be added?".
  3. To add the archive and configuration files manually, click Yes.
    A confirmation message appears asking "Are the archive and configuration files copied successfully on the new node?".

    • Click Yes, if you have already copied the files.
    • If you have not copied the files, click No, stop all the services, and manually copy the archive and configuration ( .iha and .ihc ) files.
    You can only proceed after the copying of files has completed.
  4. After successfully copying the files to the target node, make sure you rename the .ihc files with target node name as MachineName_Config.ihc and Machine Name_ CentralConfig.ihc.