

Use the ihuEnumeratedStateAdd function to add a state to an existing enumerated set.

ihuEnumeratedStateAdd (
in long serverhandle,
in MSO Char *EnumSetName,
in ihuEnumeratedSetState *EnumState )


When you add a state to an existing enumerated set, the data type of the new state matches the data type of other states in the set.

Any existing state with a name that matches the specified state name is overwritten by the new state.


The ihuEnumeratedStateAdd function returns ihuSTATUS_OK on success, or returns errors on:

  • Invalid input parameters
  • Out-of-memory issues during dynamic memory allocation
  • No set name that matches EnumSetName value
  • User not a member of ihTag Admin group
Note: Set the Administrator parameter to the ihTag Admin security group to assign the highest precedence to this parameter.