Using an STK with the iFIX Collector

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To collect or browse tags with the iFIX Collector when you use a system toolkit (STK) or Direct Driver Access (DDA) driver, which is also an STK, you need to edit the Fixtag.dat file to include the block types and field types for the STK. If you use a STK, there is no way to determine which block types the STK loads. Contact your STK vendor for more information.

Example: Using the BR3 STK

The Bristol Babcock BR3 driver uses the 160, 161, 162, and 163 block types. The following example shows how to add a TYPE_160 block type with three field types (F_CV, F_160, and F_XMITCNT) for the BR3. For each new block type that you add, you need to follow the steps outlined in this example. So, if you want to add new block types for the 161, 162, and 163, you must repeat the steps outlined in this example.

Adding a New Block Type

Within the <XML ID="dsoTags"> and <MYLIST> sections of the Fixtag.dat file, add a new <ONEITEM> entry for the new block type that you want to display in the Historian Administrator. Enter the item name in the <VALUE> field and a description in the <DATA> field.

The following XML code shows what a TYPE_160 entry for the BR3 might look like in the first portion of the Fixtag.dat file.

<DATA>The 160</DATA>
Adding Field Types for a New Block Type

At the end of the Fixtag.dat file, before the </BlockList> tag, add field types for each new block type that you want to add for the BR3 driver. Each field type is contained in a block of text that starts and ends with these tags: <ONEITEM> . . . </ONEITEM>. You must enter three values, <VALUE>, <DATA>, and <SELECTED> for each field type that you want to display in the Historian Administrator for the specified block type.

The <VALUE> and <DATA> tags include the new field type you want to add. The <SELECTED> tag contains either the word True or False, depending on whether or not you want the item to be included in the browse. The True and False states will change, however, depending on your selection in the Historian Administrator.

The following XML code shows an example of three field types, F_CV, F_160, and F_XMITCNT, added for the TYPE_160 block type created for the BR3.

<XML ID="TYPE_160">

After you add the block types and item types to the Fixtag.dat file and save the file, you can view them in the Historian Administrator program.