Enable Storing Future Data Using Command Line

Before you begin

Ensure that you have a mechanism to generate future data that you want to store in Historian.

About this task

By default, Historian stores up to 1200 seconds of future data. However, if you enable storage of future data, you can store data up to the following timestamp: 03:14:07 on Tuesday, 19 January, 2038. This topic describes how to enable storage of future data using Command Line. You can perform this task for any data store other than the default USER data store.


  1. Stop the Historian DataArchiver service.
  2. Open Command Prompt with elevated privileges or administrator privileges.
  3. Navigate to the folder in which the ihDataArchiver_x64.exe file is located. By default, it is C:\Program Files\Proficy\Proficy Historian\x64\Server.
  4. Run the following command: ihDataArchiver_x64 OPTION.<data store name> ihArchiverAllowFutureDataWrites 1
  5. Run the following command: ihDataArchiver_x64 OPTION.<data store name> ihArchiveActiveHours <number of active hours>
  6. Start the Historian DataArchiver service.