Managing Collectors
- The Start Collector API
Using the Start Collector API, you can start a collector.
METHOD PUT URI https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/collector/start
SAMPLE URI Sample URI for the service mode:
Sample URI for the command line mode:https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/collector/start Payload { "interfaceName":"<source server>_<type of the collector>_<destination server>", "mode":1 }
https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/collector/start Payload { "interfaceName":"<source server>_<type of the collector>_<destination server>", "mode":2, “winUserName”:””, “winPassword”:”” }
SAMPLE RESPONSE { "ErrorCode": 0, "ErrorMessage": "" "Data": "Collector Start Initiated" }
SAMPLE cURL COMMAND curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>” -d “{ \”interfaceName\”:\”<source server>_<type of the collector>_<destination server>\”, \"mode\": 1}” -X PUT https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/collector/start
Query parameters include the Payload parameter, which is a JSON file, which contains the following properties.
Table 1. Query Parameters Parameter Description Required? Values interfaceName
The interface name of the collector. Yes String mode
The mode to use to manage the collector. Yes - 1: service mode
- 2: command-line mode
The Windows username. Yes (only if you want to use the command-line mode) String winPassword
The Windows password Yes (only if you want to use the command-line mode) String Table 2. Response Parameters Parameter Data Type Required? Description ErrorCode
Integer Yes For example, ErrorCode = 0 implies the operation was successful. ErrorMessage
String Yes For example, NULL. Data
String No Indicates if the task has been initiated. - The Stop Collector API
Using the Stop Collector API, you can stop a collector.
METHOD PUT URI https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/collector/stop
SAMPLE URI https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/collector/stop Payload { “interfaceName":"<source server>_<type of the collector>_<destination server>" “winUserName”:”TestAdmin”, “winPassword”:”TestAdminPassword” }
SAMPLE RESPONSE { "ErrorCode": 0, "ErrorMessage": null, "Data": "Collector Stop Initiated" }
SAMPLE cURL COMMAND curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>” -d “{ \”interfaceName\”:\”<source server>_<type of the collector>_<destination server>\”}” -X PUT https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/collector/stop
Query parameters include the Payload parameter, which is a JSON file, which contains the following properties.
Table 3. Query Parameters Parameter Description Required? Values interfaceName
The interface name of the collector. Yes String winUserName
The Windows username. Yes (only if you want to use the command-line mode) String winPassword
The Windows password Yes (only if you want to use the command-line mode) String Table 4. Response Parameters Parameter Data Type Required? Description ErrorCode
Integer Yes For example, ErrorCode = 0 implies the operation was successful. ErrorMessage
String Yes For example, NULL. Data
String No Indicates if the task has been initiated. - The Restart Collector API
Using the Restart Collector API, you can restart a collector.
METHOD PUT URI https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/collector/restart
SAMPLE URI https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/collector/restart Payload { “interfaceName":"<source server>_<type of the collector>_<destination server>" "winUserName":"", "winPassword":"" }
SAMPLE RESPONSE { "ErrorCode": 0, "ErrorMessage": null, "Data": "Collector Restart Initiated" }
SAMPLE cURL COMMAND curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>” -d “{ \”interfaceName\”:\”<source server>_<type of the collector>_<destination server>\”}” -X PUT https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/collector/restart
Query parameters include the Payload parameter, which is a JSON file, which contains the following properties.
Table 5. Query Parameters Parameter Description Required? Values interfaceName
The interface name of the collector. Yes String winUserName
The Windows username. Yes String winPassword
The Windows password Yes String Table 6. Response Parameters Parameter Data Type Required? Description ErrorCode
Integer Yes For example, ErrorCode = 0 implies the operation was successful. ErrorMessage
String Yes For example, NULL. Data
String No Indicates if the task has been initiated. - The Pause Data Collection API
Using the Pause Data Collection API, you can pause the data collection of a collector.
METHOD PUT URI https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/collector/pausecollection/{interfaceName}
SAMPLE URI https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/collector/pausecollection/RSSERVER2012-02_Simulation
SAMPLE RESPONSE { "ErrorCode": 0, "ErrorMessage": "" }
SAMPLE cURL COMMAND curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>” -X PUT https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/collector/pausecollection/RSSERVER2012-02_Simulation
Table 7. Response Parameters Parameter Data Type Required? Description ErrorCode
Integer Yes For example, ErrorCode = 0 implies the operation was successful. ErrorMessage
String Yes For example, NULL. Data
String No Indicates if the task has been initiated. - The Resume Data Collection API
Using the Resume Data Collection API, you can resume the data collection of a collector.
METHOD PUT URI https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/collector/resumecollection/{interfaceName}
SAMPLE URI https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/collector/resumecollection/RSSERVER2012-02_Simulation
SAMPLE RESPONSE { "ErrorCode": 0, "ErrorMessage": "" }
SAMPLE cURL COMMAND curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>” -X PUT https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/collector/resumecollection/RSSERVER2012-02_Simulation
Table 8. Response Parameters Parameter Data Type Required? Description ErrorCode
Integer Yes For example, ErrorCode = 0 implies the operation was successful. ErrorMessage
String Yes For example, NULL. Data
String No Indicates if the task has been initiated. - The Add Tag Comment API
Using the Add Tag Comment API, you can add a comment to a tag.
METHOD POST URI https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/tags/addcomment
SAMPLE URI https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/tags/addcomment Payload { "tagName":"rsserver2012-02.Simulation00003", "comment":"Retest", "timeStamp":"2020-04-22T00:00:00.000Z" }
SAMPLE RESPONSE { "ErrorCode": 0, "ErrorMessage": null, "Data": "" }
SAMPLE cURL COMMAND curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>” -d “{ \”tagName\”:\” rsserver2012-02.Simulation00003\”,\"comment\":\"Test10\",\"timeStamp\": \”2020-04-22T00:00:00.000Z \”}” -X POST https://<historianservername>:443/historian-rest-api/v1/tags/addcomment
Query parameters include the Payload parameter, which is a JSON file, which contains the following properties.
Table 9. Query Parameters Parameter Description Required? Values tagName
The name of the tag. Yes String timestamp
The timestamp of the comment. Yes String comment
The comment. Yes String Table 10. Response Parameters Parameter Data Type Required? Description ErrorCode
Integer Yes For example, ErrorCode = 0 implies the operation was successful. ErrorMessage
String Yes For example, NULL. - The Get Tag Comment API
Using the Get Tag Comment API, you can view the comments added to a tag.
METHOD GET URI https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/tags/ comments/{tagNames}/{start}/{end}
SAMPLE QUERY PARAM GET URI https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/ v1/tags/comments/?tagNames=rsserver2012-02.Simulation00003; rsserver2012-02.Simulation00004&start=2020-04-19T00: 00:00.000Z&end=2020-04-24T00:00:00.000Z
Note: The query parameter supports multiple tags.SAMPLE RESPONSE { "ErrorCode": 0, "ErrorMessage": null, "Data": [ { "TagName": "Motor Temperature", "ErrorCode": 0, "Comments": [ { "TimeStamp": "2020-04-22T00:00:00.000Z", "Comment": "Heat run test: Starting temperature" }, { "TimeStamp": "2020-04-22T00:00:00.000Z", "Comment": "Heat run test: Temperature of the stator" }, { "TimeStamp": "2020-04-22T00:00:00.000Z", "Comment": "Heat run test: Temperature of the rotor" }, { "TimeStamp": "2020-04-22T00:00:00.000Z", "Comment": "Heat run test: Temperature of the shaft" }, { "TimeStamp": "2020-04-22T00:00:00.000Z", "Comment": "Heat run test: Temperature of the endshield" } ] } ] }
SAMPLE cURL COMMAND curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>” http://<historianservername> /historian-rest-api/v1/tags/comments/<tagNames>/<start>/<end>
Query parameters include the Payload parameter, which is a JSON file, which contains the following properties.
Table 11. Query Parameters Parameter Description Required? Values tagNames
The names of the tag as a semicolon-separated list. For example: HISTWIN20161.ctag1; HISTWIN20161.ctag2
Yes String start
The start time of the query, in ISO data format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ). Yes DateTime end
The end time of the query, in ISO format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ). Yes DateTime Table 12. Response Parameters Parameter Data Type Required? Description ErrorCode
Integer Yes For example, ErrorCode = 0 implies the operation was successful. ErrorMessage
String Yes For example, NULL. - The Set Debug Mode API
Using the Set Debug Mode API, you can set the debug mode of a collector.
METHOD PUT URI https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/collector/setdebugmode
SAMPLE URI https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/collector/setdebugmode Payload { “interfaceName":"<source server>_<type of the collector>_<destination server>", “debugMode”:255 }
SAMPLE RESPONSE { "ErrorCode": 0, "ErrorMessage": "" }
SAMPLE cURL COMMAND curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>” -d “{ \”interfaceName\”:\”<source server>_<type of the collector>_<destination server>\”, \”debugMode\”}” -X PUT https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/collector/setdebugmode
Query parameters include the Payload parameter, which is a JSON file, which contains the following properties.
Table 13. Query Parameters Parameter Description Required? Values interfaceName
The interface name of the collector. Yes String debugMode
The debug log level for the collector. Yes - 0: Normal log level
- 255: Debug log level
Table 14. Response Parameters Parameter Data Type Required? Description ErrorCode
Integer Yes For example, ErrorCode = 0 implies the operation was successful. ErrorMessage
String Yes For example, NULL. - The Buffer File Control API
Using the Buffer File Control API, you can delete or move the buffer files. It is recommended to move the buffer files to a new folder within the same drive.Note: Moving files to a network shared drive is not supported.
METHOD PUT URI https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/collector/buffercontrol
SAMPLE URI Sample URI for moving buffer files:
Sample URI for deleting buffer files:https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/collector/buffercontrol Payload { “interfaceName":"<source server>_<type of the collector>_<destination server>", “bufferMode”:2, "winUserName":"Administrator", "winPassword":"xxxxxxx", "bufferPath": "C:\\Users\\bufffiles" }
https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/collector/buffercontrol Payload { “interfaceName":"<source server>_<type of the collector>_<destination server>", “bufferMode”:1 "winUserName":"Administrator", "winPassword":"xxxxxxx", }
SAMPLE RESPONSE Sample response for moving buffer files:
Sample response for deleting buffer files:{ "ErrorCode": 0, "ErrorMessage": null, "Data": "BufferFiles Move Initiated. Collector is in the Stopped state." }
{ "ErrorCode": 0, "ErrorMessage": null, "Data": "BufferFiles Delete Initiated. Collector is in the Stopped state." }
SAMPLE cURL COMMAND curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>” -d “{ \”interfaceName\”:\”<source server>_<type of the collector>_<destination server>\”, \”bufferMode \”:1,\”bufferPath \”:\” C:\\Users\\bufffiles\”}” -X PUT https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/collector/buffercontrol
Query parameters include the Payload parameter, which is a JSON file, which contains the following properties.
Table 15. Query Parameters Parameter Description Required? Values interfaceName
The interface name of the collector. Yes String bufferMode
Indicates whether you want to move or delete the files. Yes - 1: Indicates that the buffer files will be deleted.
- 2: Indicates that the buffer files will be moved to the location specified in the bufferPath parameter.
The directory to which you want to move the buffer files. For example: C:\\Data\\NewBufferFilesLocation or C:/Data/NewBufferPathLocation Note: The double slash (\\) is required in the JSON format.Yes (only if you want to move the buffer files) String winUserName
The Windows username. Yes (only if you want to use the command-line mode) String winPassword
The Windows password Yes (only if you want to use the command-line mode) String Table 16. Response Parameters Parameter Data Type Required? Description ErrorCode
Integer Yes For example, ErrorCode = 0 implies the operation was successful. ErrorMessage
String Yes For example, NULL. Data
String No Indicates if the task has been initiated (and if the collector is in the stopped state). - The Server Node Change API
Using the Server Node Change API, you can change the server node of a collector to a machine that has Historian 8.1 installed on it.
METHOD PUT URI https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/collector/historiannodechange
SAMPLE URI https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/collector/historiannodechange Payload { “interfaceName":"<source server>_<type of the collector>_<destination server>", “mode”:2, "winUserName":"TestAdministrator", "winPassword":"TestPassword", "historianNode":"VMHISTWEBAUTO", "historianUserName":" TestAdministrator2 ", "historianpassword":" TestPassword2" }
SAMPLE RESPONSE { "ErrorCode": 0, "ErrorMessage": "" }
SAMPLE cURL COMMAND curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>” -d “{ \”interfaceName\”:\”<source server>_<type of the collector>_<destination server>\”, \”userName winUserName\”:\”tesrt\”,\”winpPassword \”:\”password\”, \”historianNode \”:\”nodename\”,\” historianUserName \”:\”husername\”, \” historianpassword \”:\”hpassword\”}” -X PUT https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/collector/ historiannodechange
Query parameters include the Payload parameter, which is a JSON file, which contains the following properties.
Table 17. Query Parameters Parameter Description Required? Values interfaceName
The interface name of the collector. Yes String mode
The mode to use to manage the collector. Yes - 1: service mode
- 2: command-line mode
The Windows username. Yes (only if you want to use the command-line mode) String winPassword
The Windows password. Yes (only if you want to use the command-line mode) String historianNode
The host name of the new Historian destination machine. The destination machine must have Historian 8.1. Yes String historianUserName
The Windows username of the new Historian destination machine. Yes (only if you want to use the command-line mode) String historianPassword
The Windows password of the new Historian destination machine. Yes (only if you want to use the command-line mode) String Table 18. Response Parameters Parameter Data Type Required? Description ErrorCode
Integer Yes For example, ErrorCode = 0 implies the operation was successful. ErrorMessage
String Yes For example, NULL. - The Get Collector Version API
Using the Get Collector Version API, you can view the version number of a collector.
METHOD GET URI https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/collector/version/{interfaceName}
SAMPLE QUERY PARAM GET URL https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/collector/version/?interfaceName=<source server>_<type of the collector>_<destination server>
SAMPLE RESPONSE { "ErrorCode": 0, "ErrorMessage": null, "Data": { "Version": "8.1.2068.0" } }
SAMPLE cURL COMMAND curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>” http://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/collector/version/RSSERVER2012-02_Simulation
Table 19. Query Parameters Parameter Description Required? Values interfaceName
The interface name of the collector. Yes String Table 20. Response Parameters Parameter Data Type Required? Description ErrorCode
Integer Yes For example, ErrorCode = 0 implies the operation was successful. ErrorMessage
String Yes For example, NULL. Data
String Yes Returns the version of the collector. - The Get Collector Status API
Using the Get Collector Status API, you can view the status of a collector.
METHOD GET URI https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/collector/status/{interfaceName}
SAMPLE GET URI https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/collector/status/RSSERVER2012-02_Simulation
SAMPLE RESPONSE { "ErrorCode": 0, "ErrorMessage": "null" "Data":{ "Status":"Running" } }
SAMPLE cURL COMMAND curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>” https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/collector/status/RSSERVER2012-02_Simulation
Table 21. Response Parameters Parameter Data Type Required? Description ErrorCode
Integer Yes For example, ErrorCode = 0 implies the operation was successful. ErrorMessage
String Yes For example, NULL. Data
String Yes Returns the status of the collector. - The Collector Manager List API
Using the Collector Manager List API, you can view the list of collector agents machines associated with the Historian server.
METHOD GET URI https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/collectormanagerlist
SAMPLE QUERY PARAM GET URL https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/collectormanagerlist
SAMPLE RESPONSE { "ErrorCode": 0, "ErrorMessage": null, "Data": [ { "Name": "CollectorManager::abc", "IPAddress": "[::ffff :<IP address>]", "Status": 1, "ComputerName": "abc " }, { "Name": "CollectorManager::xyz", "IPAddress": "[::ffff:<IP address>]", "Status": 1, "ComputerName": "xyz" }, { "Name": "CollectorManager::abc", "IPAddress": "[::ffff:<IP address>]", "Status": 1, "ComputerName": "abc" }, { "Name": "CollectorManager::123", "IPAddress": "[::ffff:<IP address>]", "Status": 1, "ComputerName": "123" } ] }
SAMPLE cURL COMMAND curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>” https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/collectormanagerlist
Table 22. Response Parameters Parameter Data Type Required? Description ErrorCode
Integer Yes For example, ErrorCode = 0 implies the operation was successful. ErrorMessage
String Yes For example, NULL. - The Collector Mode API
Using the Collector Mode API, you can view the running mode of a collector.
METHOD GET URI https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/collector/mode/<collector interface name>
SAMPLE QUERY PARAM GET URL https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/collector/mode/<collector interface name>
SAMPLE RESPONSE { "ErrorCode": 0, "ErrorMessage": null, "Data": { "RunningMode": "Service Mode" } }
SAMPLE cURL COMMAND curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>” https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/collector/mode/<host name>_Simulation_<IP address>_2
Table 23. Response Parameters Parameter Data Type Required? Description ErrorCode
Integer Yes For example, ErrorCode = 0 implies the operation was successful. ErrorMessage
String Yes For example, NULL. - The Collector Details API
Using the Collector Details API, you can view the details of a collector.
METHOD GET URI https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/collector/details
SAMPLE QUERY PARAM GET URL https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/collector/details
SAMPLE RESPONSE { "ErrorCode":0, "ErrorMessage":null, "Data": [ { "Name":"<value>", "ComputerName":"<value>", "Status":"Running", "ReportRate":0, "MaximumEventRate":0, "MinimumEventRate":0, "OutOfOrderEvents":0, "Overruns":0, "OverrunsPercent":0, "TotalEventsCollected":0, "TotalEventsReported":0, "LastDataValue":"\\\"1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z\\\"", "Redundency":"", "Comments":"<username>--test2--\\\"2020-12-15T07:19:42.000Z\\\";", "Version":"9.0.4326.0", "CollectorCompression":0, "TagsCount":0 } ] }
SAMPLE cURL COMMAND curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>” https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/collector/details
Table 24. Response Parameters Parameter Data Type Required? Description ErrorCode
Integer Yes For example, ErrorCode = 0 implies the operation was successful. ErrorMessage
String Yes For example, NULL. - The Offline Collectors API
Using the Offline Collectors API, you can view a list of offline collectors.
METHOD GET URI https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/offlinecollectors
SAMPLE QUERY PARAM GET URL https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/offlinecollectors
SAMPLE RESPONSE { "ErrorCode": 0, "ErrorMessage": null, "Data": [ { "Name": "DISTMACHINE1_Simulation", "ComputerName": "DISTMACHINE1", "Status": "Stopped" }, { "Name": "NPI212611749M1_Simulation", "ComputerName": "NPI212611749M1", "Status": "Stopped" }, { "Name": "NPI212611749M1_Mqtt", "ComputerName": "NPI212611749M1", "Status": "Stopped" } ] }
SAMPLE cURL COMMAND curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>” https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/offlinecollectors
Table 25. Response Parameters Parameter Data Type Required? Description ErrorCode
Integer Yes For example, ErrorCode = 0 implies the operation was successful. ErrorMessage
String Yes For example, NULL.