Known Issues and Limitations

Table 1. Upgrade Related Known Issues
Description Tracking ID
Upgrading only the Client Tools to 2024 from an older version upgrades the Historian Server, but does not include the MTLS files.

Workaround: When upgrading Client Tools to 2024, ensure that you also upgrade the Historian Server to 2024.

In a Historian server 2023, AlarmArchiver 2023, and Collectors 2023 setup, if you upgrade only the Alarm archive to 2024, and start the collectors, the collectors do not start.
Note: This is also applicable to an upgrade of Historian 2022, AlarmArchiver 2022, and Collectors 2022 setup to 2024.


  • Along with the AlarmArchiver, you must upgrade the Historian server to 2024.


  • If you do not use MTLS, disable it.
If you update AlarmArchiver from 9.1 Alarms & Events to 2024 Alarms & Events, without updating Historian server to 2024, the Data Archiver will not start.

Workaround: Along with the AlarmArchiver, you must upgrade the Historian server to 2024.

In a 9.0 or 9.1 standard Historian, Alarm Archiver, and AEDB SIM (if any) setup, when you upgrade the Alarm Archiver to 2024, the Data Archiver will also get upgraded to 2024. DE210847

When you upgrade Web-based clients to Historian 2024 on a non-English operating system, you will see port conflicts that do not allow you to proceed.

Workaround: Use the silent installation method to install the Historian Web-based clients.

Port conflict occurs when you upgrade Web-based Clients from 2023 to 2024, on a non-English operating system. DE212901

After upgrading the Server and Web Clients from 2022 to 2024, Collector instances in ConfigHub take 90 seconds or more to load, sometimes displaying an error popup.

Workaround: Upgrade the Remote Collector Manager and all associated Collectors to the 2024 version.

Table 2. Path Related Issues After Install or Upgrade
Description Tracking ID
Even if the Historian server is not installed on the C: drive, RemoteCollectorConfigurator.exe is installed in C:\Program Files\GE Digital\NonWebCollectorInstantiationTool. DE212800
The File collector cannot be processed after upgrading from version 2022 to version 2024. DE210946
If you installed Calculation collector or Windows Performance collector using either iFIX Proficy installer or CIMPLCITY Proficy installer, they fail to start after you upgrade them to 2024.

Workaround: After you upgrade the collectors, copy the collector files to the initial install directory. That is, C:\Program Files (x86)\Proficy\GE Digital\.

Table 3. Security Related Known Issues
Description Tracking ID
In a setup where you installed Historian collectors along with client tools using the Proficy installer, such as iFIX Proficy installer, if you uninstall the client tools alone, the created MTLS registry gets removed, leaving the MTLS folder intact. This prevents you from using MTLS security. DE212965
The POSTGRES and Proficy Authentication (UAA) passwords are admissible in the Historian Web Components log. DE212644
Table 4. Other Known Issues
Description Tracking ID
If you import tags, along with their CreationTime and CreationUser, that were exported from Configuration hub, the Excel Add-in displays the "Proficy Historian Import Tags Error".

Workaround: You must manually remove the CreationTime and CreationUser columns in the exported file before importing it.

After you create a Data Attribute Enumerated Set in Configuration Hub, and then edit it using Historian Administrator, the DATA ATTRIBUTE ENUMERATED SET field is changed to False in Configuration Hub. DE209931
When you use the Python collector to convert a value to boolean type, the results are provided in string format.

Workaround: When you convert a value to boolean type, you must store the results as Result = bool(Historian.CurrentValue('TP.Simulation00001'))

Configuration Hub is not able to discover and add a system with Strict client and collector authentication enabled. DE211901
In Configuration Hub with LDAP and UAA setup, where the security groups are stored in the Domain Controller, the Tags and Data store Security Domain groups are not available for selection when assigning security group to a data store.

Workaround: You can create the required security groups locally in Windows. This will ensure that the group becomes available for selection in Configuration Hub.

The trend decimal values in Configuration Hub are different from those in Historian Administrator. DE212903
In Historian Interactive SQL, the sampling mode "rawbyfiltertoggle" is not returning the expected output. DE212904
Collector Compression is not working as expected for the Calculation collector. DE212897
In an enterprise setup, when you remove an archive from the system using Configuration Hub or Historian Administrator, the archive is being removed, but it is not being zipped and placed in the Archives\Offline directory. DE208001
When you add a Server-to-Server Distributor collector instance and try to access it using Configuration Hub in the Source Historian Server machine, it fails to fetch the instance details, and an error is being displayed. DE213348
Adding tags to the Server-to-Server Distributor Collectors using Configuration Hub is not functioning correctly.

Workaround: Add tags to the Server-to-Server Distributor Collector using Historian Administrator connected to Source Historian Server.

DE213362/ DE213694
When using older Historian collectors to connect to Configuration Hub 2024, an error is displayed, and the Interface Details section of the collectors is not loaded.

Workaround: Upgrade all collectors to 2024, or install the 2024 Remote Collector Management Agent from the 2024 ISO on the Collector machine.

Table 5. Limitations
Description Tracking ID
Collector compression is not automatically applied to tags created for an MQTT Sparkplug B collector instance that was added with collector compression enabled. DE212048
Hierarchical browsing of tags is not supported for an OPC collector connected to an iFIX source. DE204135
Unable to import more than 50000 tags to Historian server for the OPC UA collector using Excel Add-in.

Workaround: It is recommended to add less than 30000 tags for a collection interval of 1 second or more.
