Status Codes of the AddData Function

This topic describes the status codes that appear when you use the AddData function. These status codes are stored in the Errs output variable as an array of status codes, one for each tag. The following table describes the status codes.
Status Code String Description
0 ihSTATUS_OK The values have been successfully written to the tags.
-1 ihSTATUS_FAILED The operation has failed.
-2 ihSTATUS_API_ TIMEOUT The operation has timed out while connecting to Historian.
-3 ihSTATUS_NOT_ CONNECTED The Calculation collector cannot connect to Historian.
-4 ihSTATUS_INTERFACE_ NOT_FOUND You cannot connect to the Calculation collector.
-5 ihSTATUS_NOT_ SUPPORTED The write operation is not supported.
-6 ihSTATUS_DUPLICATE_ DATA The write operation has created duplicate data in the archive.
-7 ihSTATUS_NOT_VALID_ USER The username used to connect to the Historian archive is not valid.
-8 ihSTATUS_ACCESS_ DENIED The username used to connect to Historian does not have write access to the archive.
-9 ihSTATUS_WRITE_IN_ FUTURE The timestamp that you have entered is set to a time in future.
-10 ihSTATUS_WRITE_ ARCH_OFFLINE The archive is currently offline.
-11 ihSTATUS_ARCH_ READONLY The archive is set to read-only.
-12 ihSTATUS_WRITE_ OUTSIDE_ACTIVE An attempt has been made to write data to a time before the archive has been created.
-13 ihSTATUS_WRITE_NO_ ARCH_AVAIL No archive is available for writing.
-14 ihSTATUS_INVALID_ TAGNAME The tag names that you have entered do not exist in the archive.
-15 ihSTATUS_LIC_TOO_MANY_TAGS You have attempted to add more tags than the current license allows.
-16 ihSTATUS_LIC_TOO_ MANY_USERS There are currently too many users connected to the archive.
-17 ihSTATUS_LIC_ INVALID_LIC_DLL The Historian license is expired or invalid.
-18 ihSTATUS_NO_VALUE You have not entered a tag value.
-19 ihSTATUS_DUPLICATE_ INTERFACE Two collectors with the same name exist.
-20 ihSTATUS_NOT_ LICENSED The Historian license is not activated.
-21 ihSTATUS_CALC_CIRC_ REFERENCE A circular reference has been entered in the calculation formula.
-22 ihSTATUS_BACKUP_ EXCEEDED_SPACE The archive has reached the Minimum Hard Drive Space setting, and no new archives are being created.
-23 ihSTATUS_INVALID_ SERVER_VERSION The archive is not compatible with the Calculation collector.
-24 ihSTATUS_DATA_ RETRIEVAL_COUNT_ EXCEEDED There are too many data points to retrieve.