Method Reference U-Z
- U
- UnSelectAll Method (TagRecordset Object)
Applies to:
Clears all selections in the current TagRecordset. See the SelectAll method and the Master Tag Property.
' Clear any current selection MyRecordset.UnSelectAll
- UserCalcFunctionsFromString Method (Server Object)
Applies to:
Converts the given string to an array of user calculation functions. The string is assumed to have been generated from a call to UserCalcFunctionsToString.If no functions exist in the string, UserCalcFunctions will be set to Empty.
object.UserCalcFunctionsFromString(FuncStr, UserCalcFunctions)
Table 1. Parameters Name Data Type Description FuncStr String String to convert. UserCalcFunctions Variant Resulting array of UserCalcFunction objects. Returns
Boolean. Conversion successful / failed.
- UserCalcFunctionsToString Method
Applies to:
Converts the given array of user calculation functions to a string.
To convert an empty set of functions, pass a non-array value such as Empty.
object.UserCalcFunctionsToString(UserCalcFunctions, FuncStr)
ReturnsTable 2. Parameters Name Data Type Description UserCalcFunctions Variant Array of UserCalcFunction objects. FuncStr String String resulting from conversion Boolean. Conversion successful / failed.
- W
- WriteArray Method (DataRecordset Object)
Applies to:
Attempt to write a set of Data to the Historian archiver.Note: This function is not fully implemented yet and will always returnfalse current DataRecordset
before it imports the specified file.Syntax
Table 3. Parameters Name Data Type Description DataArray Variant Data Array to be written to the Historian archiver. Returns
Boolean. Write succeeded / failed.
- WriteRecordset Method (DataRecordset Object)
Applies to:
Saves changes made to the DataRecordset object to the Historian server. If DataValues have not changed, the method does not write DataValues to the server.
Boolean. Write succeeded / failed.
- WriteRecordset Method (MessageRecordset Object)
Applies to:
Saves changes made to the MessageRecordset object to the Historian server. Only new messages are written to the server.
Boolean. Write succeeded / failed.
- WriteRecordset Method (TagRecordset Object)
Applies to:
Saves changes made to the TagRecordset Object to the Historian server. If tags have not changed, they are not re-written to the server.
Table 4. Parameters Name Data Type Description UseMasterTag Boolean Whether to apply Master tag changes to all tags (read-only optional). Returns
Boolean. Write succeeded / failed.- X
- XML Method (DataRecordset Object)
Applies to:
Returns an XML document fragment representing the DataValues and DataFields contained in the current DataRecordset.
object.XML([XMLHeader], [StartIndex], [EndIndex])
Table 5. Parameters Name Data Type Description XMLHeader String XML to include before the DataRecordset XML (optional). StartIndex Long Index of first tag to include in XML (optional). EndIndex Long Index of last tag to include in XML (optional). Returns
String. An XML document fragment string.Example
Dim Recordset As DataRecordset ' Get A New Data Recordset Set Recordset = MyServer.Data.NewRecordset ' Fill In Criteria, Get One Tag For Yesterday With Recordset.Criteria .Tagmask = "MyNode.OneTag.F_CV" .StartTime = DateAdd("d", -1, Now) .EndTime = Now End With ' Fill In Fields, Timestamp and Value With Recordset.Fields .TimeStamp = True .Value = True End With Recordset.QueryRecordset ' Print XML to Debug Window Debug.Print Recordset.XML
- XML Method (MessageRecordset Object)
Applies to:
Returns an XML document fragment representing the Messages and MessageFields contained in the current MessageRecordset.Syntax
object.XML([XMLHeader], [StartIndex], [EndIndex])
Table 6. Parameters Name Data Type Description XMLHeader String XML to include before message XML (read-only, optional). StartIndex Long Index of first message to Include in XML (read-only, optional). EndIndex Long Index of last message to include in XML (read-only, optional). Returns
String. An XML document fragment string.
- XML Method (TagRecordset Object)
Applies to:
Returns an XML document fragment representing the Tags and TagFields contained in the current TagRecordset.Syntax
object.XML([XMLHeader], [StartIndex], [EndIndex])
Table 7. Parameters Name Data Type Description XMLHeader String XML to include before the TagRecordset XML (read-only, optional). StartIndex Long Index of first tag to Include in XML (read-only, optional). EndIndex Long Index of last tag to include in XML (read-only, optional). Example
Dim Recordset As TagRecordset ' Get a new tag recordset Set Recordset = MyServer.Tags.NewRecordset ' Fill in criteria, aet all tags With Recordset.Criteria .Tagname = "*" End With ' Fill in fields, get tagname and description With Recordset.Fields .Tagname = True .Description = True End With Recordset.QueryRecordset ' Print XML to debug window Debug.Print Recordset.XML