ihConfiguration Functions
extern ihC_DEC ihAPIStatus __stdcall ihConfigurationGetProperties
(ihServerHandle hServer, ihConfigurationProperties *Properties);
extern ihC_DEC void __stdcall ihConfigurationFreeProperties
(ihConfigurationProperties *Properties);
You can get information about the Data Archiver in addition to reading and writing data.
ihServer Function
extern ihC_DEC ihAPIStatus stdcall ihServerConnect(ihString ServerName, ihString Username, ihString Password,
ihString BufferFileName, ihServerHandle *hServer);
extern ihC_DEC ihAPIStatus stdcall ihServerConnectClient(ihString ServerName, ihString Username, ihString
Password, ihString BufferFileName, ihServerHandle *hServer, ihString ClientName);
extern ihC_DEC ihAPIStatus stdcall ihServerDisconnect(ihServerHandle hServer);
extern ihC_DEC ihBoolean stdcall ihServerIsConnected(ihServerHandle hServer);
extern ihC_DEC ihAPIStatus stdcall ihServerAdd(ihString ServerName, ihString Username, ihString Password,
ihBoolean IsDefault, ihString BufferFileName, ihServerHandle *hServer,ihULong ConnectionTimeout);
extern ihC_DEC ihAPIStatus stdcall ihServerDelete(ihString ServerName);
extern ihC_DEC ihAPIStatus stdcall ihServerOpenRecordset(ihString ServerNameMask, ihServerRecordset
extern ihC_DEC void stdcall ihServerCloseRecordset(ihServerRecordset *ServerRecordset);
You can set up a collection of servers with their timeouts and usernames. However, you can simply call connect to establish a connection.
ihTag Functions
extern ihC_DEC ihAPIStatus stdcall ihTagAdd(ihServerHandle hServer, ihTagFields *hFields, ihTagProperties
extern ihC_DEC ihAPIStatus stdcall ihTagOpenRecordset(ihServerHandle hServer, ihTagFields *RequestedFields,
ihTagCriteria *Criteria, ihTagFields *CriteriaFields, ihTagRecordset *TagRecordset);
extern ihC_DEC ihAPIStatus stdcall ihTagGetProperties(ihServerHandle hServer, ihString Tagname, ihTagFields
*hFields, ihTagProperties *hTag);
You can add and browse tags using these functions
ihData Functions
extern ihC_DEC ihAPIStatus stdcall ihDataAdd(ihServerHandle hServer, ihUNSIGNED long NumberOfTags, ihString
*Tagnames, ihDataProperties *DataValues, ihAPIStatus *ErrorStatuses, ihBoolean WaitForReply, ihBoolean ErrorOnRep
You can add and delete data and subscribe to data changes
ihDataStore Functions
extern ihC_DEC ihAPIStatus stdcall ihDataStoreOpenRecordset(ihServerHandle hServer, ihString
DataStoreMask, ihDataStoreRecordset *Recordset);
You need not configure data stores, the defaults should be fine.
ihComment Functions
extern ihC_DEC ihAPIStatus stdcall ihCommentAdd (ihServerHandle hServer, ihString Tagname, ihTimeStruct
*CommentAdd, ihCommentData *ihCommentData, ihString SuppliedUser, ihString SuppliedPassword);
You can add comments to data and get them back when you read the data but this is not commonly used.
ihTime Functions
extern ihC_DEC void stdcall ihTimeLCLPartsToUTCStruct(int Year, int Month, int Day, int Hour, int Minute,
int MilliSecond, ihTimeStruct *UTCTime);
extern ihC_DEC void stdcall ihTimeUTCStructToLCLParts(int *Year, int *Month, int *Day, int *Hour, int
*Minute, int *Second, int *MilliSecond, ihTimeStruct *UTCTime);
The System API has utility functions for working with time zones and daylight saving time.
ihUtil Functions
extern ihC_DEC void stdcall ihUtilAnsiToUnicode(char *MBStr, ihChar *WCStr);
extern ihC_DEC void stdcall ihUtilUnicodeToAnsi(char *MBStr, ihChar *WCStr);
The System API has utility functions for converting between Unicode and ANSI strings.