CSV File Format

Specify the collector source address and the tag source address fields in the CSV file. Otherwise, the collector and source names are not added to the tags created by the File collector.

The format for a CSV file is as follows:
<Header keywords separated by commas> 
<values separated by commas>
  • The order of the values must match the order in the header. For example, if you are importing a tagname, timestamp, value, and quality, use the following syntax:
    Tagname,TimeStamp,Value,DataQuality TIGER.IMPORT_TAG1.F_CV,7/20/01 11:07,1,Good
  • Data values for a single entry must be placed on a single line.
  • You cannot import Last Modified User, Last Modified Date, and Calculation Execution Time fields on a tag.
Refer to the following sections for valid values and examples.

Valid Values for Command

  • [Tags]
  • [Data]
  • [Messages]
  • [Alarms]

Valid Values for Header Keywords

DataQuality Value
Tagname Description
EngineeringUnits Comment
DataType StringLength
Note: StringLength is twice the number of characters (ASCII, Single Byte). For example, "ABC" = 6 StringLength.
StoreMilliseconds CollectorName
CollectorType SourceAddress
Note: A value is required for the source name to be added to tags created by the collector.
CollectorType CollectionInterval
CollectionOffset CollectionDisabled
LoadBalancing TimeStamp
Note: The timestamp resolution is milliseconds.
Type TimeZoneBias
HiEngineeringUnits LoEngineeringUnits
InputScaling HiScale
LoScale CollectorCompression
CollectorDeadbandPercentRange CollectorCompressionTimeout
ArchiveCompression ArchiveDeadbandPercentRange
ArchiveCompressionTimeout Timeout
CollectorGeneral1 CollectorGeneral2
CollectorGeneral3 CollectorGeneral4
CollectorGeneral5 ReadSecurityGroup
WriteSecurityGroup AdministratorSecurityGroup
Calculation CalculationDependencies
Acked Condition
SubCondition EventCategory
Message Source
Severity StartTime
EndTime TimestampType
SpikeLogic SpikeLogicOverride
InterfaceAbsoluteDeadband InterfaceAbsoluteDeadbanding
LastModified LastModifiedUser
ArchiveAbsoluteDeadband ArchiveAbsoluteDeadbanding
StepValue Value
SpikeLogic SpikeLogicOverride
NumberOfElements CalcType
For alarms and events, only the following header keywords are considered:
  • Acked
  • Acktime
  • Actor
  • AlarmID
  • Condition
  • DataSource
  • Enabled
  • EndTime
  • EventCategory
  • ItemID
  • Message
  • Quality
  • Severity
  • Source
  • StartTime
  • SubCondition
  • Tagname
  • Timestamp

A CSV File that Imports Tags

TIGER.IMPORT_TAG1.F_CV,Import Tag 1,SingleFloat,35000,0
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG2.F_CV,Import Tag 2,SingleFloat,35000,0
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG3.F_CV,Import Tag 3,SingleFloat,35000,0
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG4.F_CV,Import Tag 4,SingleFloat,35000,0
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG5.F_CV,Import Tag 5,SingleFloat,35000,0
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG6.F_CV,Import Tag 6,SingleFloat,35000,0
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG7.F_CV,Import Tag 7,SingleFloat,35000,0
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG8.F_CV,Import Tag 8,SingleFloat,35000,0
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG9.F_CV,Import Tag 9,SingleFloat,35000,0
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG10.F_CV,Import Tag 10,SingleFloat,35000,0 

A CSV File that Imports Data and Data Quality

TIGER.IMPORT_TAG1.F_CV,7/20/01 11:07,1,Good
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG1.F_CV,7/20/01 11:08,2,Good
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG1.F_CV,7/20/01 11:09,3,Good
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG1.F_CV,7/20/01 11:10,4,Good 
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG1.F_CV,7/20/01 11:11,5,Bad 
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG1.F_CV,7/20/01 11:12,6,Bad 
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG1.F_CV,7/20/01 11:13,7,Good 
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG1.F_CV,7/20/01 11:14,8,Bad 
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG1.F_CV,7/20/01 11:15,9,Good 
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG1.F_CV,7/20/01 11:16,10,Good 
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG1.F_CV,7/20/01 11:17,11,Good 
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG1.F_CV,7/20/01 11:18,12,Good 
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG1.F_CV,7/20/01 11:19,13,Bad 
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG1.F_CV,7/20/01 11:20,14,Good 
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG1.F_CV,7/20/01 11:21,15,Good 
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG1.F_CV,7/20/01 11:22,16,Bad 
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG1.F_CV,7/20/01 11:23,17,Good 

A CSV File that Imports Messages

28-Aug-2002 19:39:30.567,General,User1,0,A Test Message value 2 with milliseconds,,
28-Aug-2002 19:40:00.000,General,User1,0,A Test Message value 0,,            

A CSV File that Imports Tags with Step Values

TIGER.IMPORT_TAG1.F_CV,Import Tag 1,SingleFloat,35000,0
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG2.F_CV,Import Tag 2,SingleFloat,35000,0
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG3.F_CV,Import Tag 3,SingleFloat,35000,0
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG4.F_CV,Import Tag 4,SingleFloat,35000,0
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG5.F_CV,Import Tag 5,SingleFloat,35000,0
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG6.F_CV,Import Tag 6,SingleFloat,35000,0
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG7.F_CV,Import Tag 7,SingleFloat,35000,0
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG8.F_CV,Import Tag 8,SingleFloat,35000,0
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG9.F_CV,Import Tag 9,SingleFloat,35000,0
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG10.F_CV,Import Tag 10,SingleFloat,35000,0

A CSV File that Imports Alarms

FileCollector,HI,Mixer,3/10/2005 12:52:02,3/10/2005 12:52:02
FileCollector,HIHI,Mixer,3/10/2005 12:52:02,3/10/2005 12:59:12            

A CSV File that Imports Enumerated Set


A CSV File that Imports Array Tags

TIGER.IMPORT_TAG1.F_CV,Import Tag 1,SingleFloat,35000,0,-1
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG2.F_CV,Import Tag 2,SingleFloat,35000,0,0
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG3.F_CV,Import Tag 3,SingleFloat,35000,0,-1
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG4.F_CV,Import Tag 4,SingleFloat,35000,0,-1             

A CSV File that Imports Array Tag Data

ArrayTag[0],6/11/2013 09:00:00,1,Good 
ArrayTag[1],6/11/2013 09:00:00,2,Good 
ArrayTag[2],6/11/2013 09:00:00,3,Good 
ArrayTag[3],6/11/2013 09:00:00,4,Good 
ArrayTag[0],6/11/2013 09:10:00,5,Good 
ArrayTag[1],6/11/2013 09:10:00,6,Good 
ArrayTag[2],6/11/2013 09:10:00,7,Good

A CSV File that Imports MultiField Tag Data

MultiField.F1,05-22-2013 14:15:00,4,Good 
MultiField.F1,05-22-2013 14:15:01,7,Good 
MultiField.F1,05-22-2013 14:15:02,9,Good 
MultiField.F2,05-22-2013 14:15:00,241,Good 
MultiField.F2,05-22-2013 14:15:01,171,Good 
MultiField.F2,05-22-2013 14:15:02,191,Good
Note: Before importing MultiField tag data in this format, you must add the User Defined Type using Historian Administrator and associate that type to the MultiField tag.

Importing s User-Defined Type

The following example allows you to import a user defined type UDT1 with two fields, Field1, Field2. After creating, UDT1 associates with a tag called Mfield.

A CSV File that Imports Python Expression Tags

""script"":""tag.value + math.pow10,tag.value/70)"",""parameters"":[{""name"":
SingleFloat,Python Expression Tag example                   
  • Python Expression tags do not support array or multi-field tags.
  • It is important to include the CalcType header and set it to PythonExpr for each Python Expression tag. If the file contains a mix of tags that are Python Expression tags with those that are not, then the tags that are not Python Expression tags must have the CalcType field set to Raw.
  • For Python Expression tags, the SourceAddress must contain the tag's minified JSON configuration constructed as described in the topic on Constructing the JSON Configuration for a Python Expression Tag. (Mini- fied JSON has no newline characters or comments. There are tools which can help you minify JSON.)
  • Note that the example in the CSV file uses repeated quotation marks ("") in order to escape quotation marks (").
  • It is important that your JSON is valid, since no validation will be performed on the JSON at tag creation.