Create Archives Manually

About this task

This topic describes how to create an archive file manually. You can create multiple archives at the same time. You can, however, choose to create archives automatically.


  1. Access Configuration Hub.
  2. In the NAVIGATION section, under the Configuration Hub plugin for Historian, select Archives.
    The Archives section appears.
  3. In the upper-right corner of the section, select .
    The Add Archives window appears.
  4. Enter values as described in the following table.
    Field Description
    ARCHIVE NAME Identifies the name of the archive. A value is required. By default, it is in the following format: <data store name>_<system name>_Archive<number>. The number is used to name the archives sequentially. You can only add a suffix to the archive name.
    DATASTORE Select the data store in which you want to create the archives. A value is required.
    FILE LOCATION Enter the folder path in which you want to store the archives. A value is required. By default, it is C:\Proficy Historian Data\Archives
    EACH ARCHIVE SIZE Enter the size, in MB, that you want to allocate to each archive. A value is required. This field is populated with the value in the Default Size (MB) field in the data store (if applicable).
    NUMBER OF ARCHIVES Enter the number of archives that you want to create. A value is required. The default value is 1.
    ALLOCATE SPACE Specify the disk space that you want to allocate for archives. A value is required.
    Important: If there is insufficient disk space, Data Archiver is shut down and a message is logged into the log file. By default, you can view the log file in C:\Historian Data\LogFiles.
  5. Select Add.
    The archives are created.