Configure Okta as SAML IDP

  1. Create an account in Okta.
    1. Visit
    2. Sign up for an Okta account using your email address.
  2. Log in to your newly created Okta account.
  3. Navigate to Applications > Applications.
  4. Select Create App Integration.
    The Create a new app Integration screen appears.
  5. Select SAML 2.0, then select Next.
    The Create SAML Integration screen appears.
  6. Under General Settings, provide a name and logo for your application, then select Next.
  7. Under Configure SAML, fill out these details:
    Single sign on URL Use the dowloaded Proficy Authentication metadata file saml-sp.xml to get the URL for this field. It should look something like this:
    Audience URI (SP Entity ID) Refer to saml-sp.xml to get the logout URL. It should look something like this:
    Enable Single Logout
    1. Select Show Advanced Settings.
    2. Select the check box for Allow application to initiate Single Logout.
    3. Enter Single Logout URL. Refer to saml-sp.xml to get the logout URL. It should look something like this:
    Attribute Statements (optional) Add user attribute statements such as email, first name, and last name as shown here:
    Group Attribute Statements (optional) Add group attribute statements such as groupA and groupB as shown here:
    Note: The setting option mentioned in this topic is the minimum requirement for setting up the SAML identity provider. Refer to the Okta documentation for information on using additional settings.
  8. Select Next.
  9. Provide your feedback and select Finish.
    Your application is created.
  10. Under Sign On, select Identity Provider metadata.
    The metadata opens in a new tab.
  11. Save the metadata as an .xml file.
    Use the metadata xml file to configure a SAML identity provider in Proficy Authentication.
  12. Under Assignments, you can assign the app to groups and individual users.
    If there are no users/groups, navigate to Directory > People to create and activate new users/groups in Okta.