Import a Database

Before you begin

Be aware that Configuration Hub supports only UTF-8 encoded files. The iFIX Database Manager uses ANSI encoding. Prior to importing files into Configuration Hub's Model or Database panel, ensure that the CSV file is in UTF-8 encoding. To do so, open the CSV file in the Windows Notepad editor and perform a SAVE AS with UTF-8 encoding selected, and then save the file as a CSV. Likewise, if you want to import a file from Configuration Hub into the iFIX Database Manager, save as ANSI encoding before importing the file into the Database Manager.


  1. Configuration Hub, on the Database panel, click the elipsis (…) icon to open the shortcut menu.
  2. Click Import.
    The Import iFIX Database dialog box appears.
  3. Click Choose File to select a file to import.
  4. Click Import.