Prerequisites to Use Configuration Hub with iFIX

The following prerequisites are required in order to use iFIX with Configuration Hub:

  1. You must enable security before you can log in to Configuration Hub through the browser.
  2. The logged in user should belong to the Application Designer group or have all of the iFIX application features that the Application Designer group. (The Application Designer group contains the following iFIX application features:
    • Database Block Add-Delete
    • Database Manager
    • Database Reload
    • Database Save
    • Enable Task Switching
    • OPC UA Configuration Tool
    • Runtime Visual Basic Editor Access
    • WorkSpace Configure
    • WorkSpace Runtime
    • WorkSpace Runtime Exit
  3. You can use either a user's login name or the Full Name to login to Configuration Hub.
  4. Configuration Hub can only be used to configure a running iFIX project with SCADA Enabled.
  5. An iFIX node configured to use Configuration Hub should be registered using the Registration tool (available from Applications menu in Workspace) if Configuration Hub is not installed along with iFIX. See the iFIX Plugin Registration Tool topic for more details.
  6. When there are multiple iFIX nodes registered with your Configuration Hub, they will be listed in the drop-down for login to Configuration Hub. Be aware that you can only log in to one at a time.
  7. Multiple users can log into the same server and make changes, from different browser sessions.
  8. If using Enhanced Failover with iFIX, you must be in Maintenance Mode before you log in to Configuration Hub. (When you enter Maintenance Mode, SCADA synchronization temporarily stops; synchronization between the SCADA pair is suspended.) After Maintenance Mode is enabled, you can make changes to the database on the primary node.
  9. The time on Configuration Hub server and the iFIX SCADA node should be synchronized.
  10. Currently Configuration Hub only supports browsing the IGS. It does not support browsing the OUA driver in the Database panel.
  11. Use any of the following browsers tested for use with Configuration Hub: Google® Chrome, Microsoft® Edge based on Chromium, Mozilla® Firefox, or Apple® Safari (MAC OS only).
    Note: Sometimes the MAC OS cannot resolve the system name. In this case, update the hosts file. Also, on the MAC OS, you will be required to manually install the Configuration Hub root certificate.