Data Collector Functions
- Connects to the data source using a specific data acquisition interface, such as EDA, OPC 1.0, or OPC2.0.
- Groups tags by collection interval for efficient polling.
- Reads data as frequently as 10 times/sec, depending on the configuration parameters of individual tags. An OPC Collector configured for unsolicited collection can read data as frequently as 1 millisecond (or 1000 times/second).
- Scales the collected value to the EGU Range.
- Compresses collected data based on a deadband specified on a tag by tag basis, and forwards only values that exceed the deadband to the Historian Server for final compression and archiving.
- Automatically stores data during a loss of connection to the server and forwards that data to the server after the connection is restored.
Common Collector Functions
- Maintains a local cache of tag information to sustain collection while the server connection is down.
- Automatically discovers available tags from a data source and presents them to Historian Administrator.
- Buffers data during loss of connection to the server and forwards it to the server when the connection is restored.
- Automatically adjusts timestamps, if enabled, for synchronizing collector and archiver timestamps.
- Supports both collector and device timestamp, where applicable.
- Schedules data polling for polled collection.
- Performs first level of data compression (collector compression).
- Responds to control requests, such as pause/resume collection.
After collecting and processing information, a collector forwards the data to the Historian Server, which optionally performs final compression and stores the information in the Archive Database. The Archive Database consists of one or more files, each of which contains a specific time period of historical data. For more information on Historian Server architecture, refer to System Architecture.
File collector Functions
The File collector imports files in either CSV (Comma Separated Variables) or XML (Extensible Markup Language) format. Since this is basically a file transfer operation, a File collector does not perform the typical collector functions of data polling, browsing for tags, pause/resume collection, data compression, or storing/forwarding of data on loss of server connection. A File collector, however, is an extremely useful tool for importing and configuring tags, for bulk updating of tag parameters and messages, and for importing data from all types of systems.