The following code sample shows how to read and write text files
during a calculation. You may have data in a file to use as
input to a calculation, or you may want to write debug values to
a text file instead of using the LogMessage
function.Dim filesys, writefile, count,readfile
'need to create a file system object since there is no
'file I/O built into VBScript
Set filesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'open the text file, or create it if it does not exist
set readfile = filesys.OpenTextFile("C:\somefile.txt", 1, true)
'try to read from the file
IF readfile.AtEndOfLine <> true THEN
count= readfile.ReadAll
'add one to the number stored in the count count = count+1
'close the file for reading
'open the same file but for writing
Set writefile= filesys.OpenTextFile("C:\somefile.txt", 2, true)
'write the updated count writefile.Write count
'close file for writing
Result = count