Using an ADO Query
), to a dollar amount. The code then obtains the
price per barrel (CostOfBarrel
) from the SQL server, and finally stores
the total dollars in an integer tag (TotalCostToday
). You can also do this with a linked server and the Historian OLE DB provider, but this example maintains a history of the results.
Dim CostOfBarrel, BarrelsUsedToday, TotalCostToday
'Calculate the total number of barrels used over
'the previous 24hours.
BarrelsUsedToday = Calculation("BarrelsUsedTag","Total","Now 1Day","Now",Quality)
'Retrieve cost per barrel used
Dim SQLExpression
Dim Cnxn
Dim rsCurrentValue
SQLExpression = "SELECT Barrel_Cost AS Value1 FROM RawMaterial_Costs WHERE Barrel_Type = CrudeOil and
samplingmode = CurrentValue"
'open connection
Set Cnxn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
'connect to default server using current username and password
'establish connection
Cnxn.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;User ID=sa; Password=;Initial Catalog=Northwind"
'Create and open first Recordset using Connection execute
Set rsCurrentValue = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
'Get the value from the other server
Set rsCurrentValue= Cnxn.Execute(SQLExpression)
'Set the result to the current value of other tag
CostOfBarrel = rsCurrentValue("Value1")
'Clean up
If rsCurrentValue.State = adStateOpen then
End If
If Cnxn.State = adStateOpen then
End If
Set rsCurrentValue = Nothing
Set Cnxn = Nothing
'Retrieve number of barrels used
BarrelsUsedToday = Calculation("BarrelsUsed","Count","Now 1Day","Now",Quality)
'Calculate total cost of barrels today
TotalCostToday = CostOfBarrel * BarrelsUsedToday