Deploy Proficy Historian for AWS in an Existing VPC
Before you begin
- Create a virtual private cloud (VPC), and make a note of the VPC configuration (that is, the IDs of the VPC, subnets, and so on). For instructions, refer to and
- Ensure that you are in the region in which you want to deploy Proficy Historian
for AWS. The following regions are supported:
- Asia Pacific (Hong Kong)
- Asia Pacific (Tokyo)
- Asia Pacific (Seoul)
- Asia Pacific (Mumbai)
- Asia Pacific (Singapore)
- Asia Pacific (Sydney)
- Canada (Central)
- Europe (Frankfurt)
- Europe (Stockholm)
- Europe (Ireland)
- Europe (London)
- Europe (Paris)
- Middle East (Bahrain)
- South America (Sao Paulo)
- US East (N. Virginia)
- US East (Ohio)
- US West (N. California)
- US West (Oregon)
About this task
- Log in to the AWS marketplace.
In the list of products that appear, if you have the Historian for Linux
license, select Proficy Historian for AWS.
Or, if you want to use the consumption model, select Proficy Historian for AWS (Consumption Pricing).
Select Continue to Subscribe.
The terms and conditions appear.
Select Continue to Configuration.
The Configure this software page appears.
Enter values as described in the following table.
Field Description Fulfillment option Select CloudFormation Template. Software version Select 2023 -
Select Continue to Launch.
The Launch this software page appears.
Under Deployment template, select Deploy
Proficy Historian in the Existing VPC.
The Quick create stack page appears.
Enter values as described in the following table.
Field/Section Description Stack name Enter a name for the stack. A value is required and must be unique. The value can include all alphanumeric characters and dashes. It must begin with an alphabetic character and cannot exceed 128 characters. VPC ID Enter the ID of the VPC on which you want to deploy Proficy Historian for AWS. For instructions on how to the find the VPC ID, refer to Private Subnets and Public Subnets IDs Enter the IDs of the two private and the two public subnets in your VPC. For instructions on how to find these IDs, refer to EKS cluster name Enter a unique name for the Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) cluster. A value is required, must be unique, and must be less than 28 characters. Instance type Choose an instance type based on your requirement. Our benchmarking results suggest that C5.xLarge supports up to 15 million samples per minute. You can choose an instance of lower or higher capacity based on the rate of collection. UAA Configuration Enter a password to connect to UAA. Make a note of this value; you will need it to connect the Historian server with collectors and clients (such as the Web Admin console, the Excel Add-in for Historian, and so on). The value that you enter must contain:- Minimum eight characters
- At least one each of uppercase and lowercase letters
- At least one number
- At least one special character from among !@#%*._^+~:?-
CloudWatch Logging By default, the option to send logs to CloudWatch is enabled. This will allow you to send Data Archiver logs to CloudWatch; you can later access the logs and monitor them. And, the retention period is set to 30 days, after which the logs are deleted. If needed, you can change the retention period. We strongly recommend that you do not disable logging.
TLS Configuration Provide the ARN of an SSL certificate. If you leave this field blank, we generate an openSSL certificate. However, we recommend that you provide a trusted certificate. - If needed, you can choose to enable the client VPN endpoint for additional security.
Select the check boxes to acknowledge the capabilities required by
CloudFormation, and then select Create stack.
The stack is created, along with a VPC with two private and two public subnets.CAUTION: Do not update or delete the stack; you can lose data.
What to do next
- Apply the Proficy Historian for Linux license if you have one.
- Based on your requirement, install collectors or the Web Admin console and the REST Query service.