Hardware Requirements
Proficy Historian for AWS
Proficy Historian for AWS is deployed in an Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2) instance in Elastic Kubernetes Cluster (EKS) inside a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). During deployment choose an instance type based on your requirement. Our benchmarking results suggest that C5.xLarge supports up to 15 million samples per minute. You can choose an instance of lower or higher capacity based on the rate of collection.
You can install collectors on an on-premises Windows machine. Or, you can install them on a machine in the same VPC where the Historian server is deployed, or you can choose to deploy in a different VPC.
Hardware Component | Recommendation |
RAM | 8 GB |
Disk size | 80 GB |
The Web Admin Console
We recommend that you use an EC2 instance of at least t3.medium to deploy the Web Admin console Amazon Machine Image (AMI).
Sizing Recommendations
We recommend the following configuration of EC2 instances depending on the type of environment or the volume of data.
Environment or Volume of Data | Recommendation |
Production Environment with Scheduled Export job running | M5 series (M5.Large for smaller systems and M5.Xlarge and M5.2Xlarge for bigger systems respectively). |
Production Environment with write rate <15MM samples/min | C5.2Xlarge |
Production Environment with write rate < 9MM samples/min | C5.Xlarge |
Test environment | C5.Xlarge |