Resolved Issues

Resolved Issues

Description Tracking ID
Regardless of the security group to which a user belongs, the user has full privileges to the Web Admin console. This issue was resolved in Proficy Historian for Cloud 2023. DE182555
If you try to change the destination of a collector from an on-premises Historian server to the cloud counterpart, an error occurs, stating, "Unable To Start the Collector Instance...Please check the parameters provided are valid and edit the Collector Instance...Press any key to exit the Application".

This issue occurs only if the collector name does not contain a prefix of the collector type. The workaround was as follows.

  1. Access the registry entry for the collector instance.
  2. Rename the instance as follows, and close the registry: <collector type>-<original name of the instance>

    For example, if the instance name of a Simulation collector is sim1, rename it SimulationCollector-sim1.

    Use one of the following prefixes based on the collector type:
    • SimulationCollector-
    • OPCCollector-
    • OPCUACollector-
    • OPCHDACollector-
    • PiCollector-
    • PIDistributor-
    • iFixCollector-
    • ServerToServerCollector-
    • MQTTCollector-
  3. Change the destination of the collector instance. When asked for the name of the collector instance, provide the original name (without the prefix). In the case of the previous example, enter sim1.

    An error message appears, but it is expected; you can ignore it.

  4. Close the CloudHistorianConfigurationUtility.exe tool.
  5. Access the registry entry for the collector instance, and undo the changes you made in step 2 (that is, the collector instance should now contain the original name).
  6. Close the registry, and start the collector instance.

    This issue was resolved in Proficy Historian for Cloud 2023.
