Known Issues and Limitations


The following features available in Proficy Historian (on-premises) are not available in Proficy Historian for Cloud:
  • Messages and alerts.
  • Configuration Hub.
  • Enumerated data sets, user-defined data types (UDTs), and array tags.
  • Collector redundancy.
  • Alarms and events archiver.
  • Diagnostics Manager.
  • Historian as an OPC HDA Server and OPC UA DA Server.
  • The File collector, the HAB collector, the Cygnet collector, the Windows Performance Collector, and the Alarm and Events collectors.
  • .NET and CA API. These do not work with Cloud Historian as Cloud Historian is Linux based.
  • Direct upgrades from Proficy Historian for Cloud version 2022.1 to version 2023 are not supported.
  • LDAP or SAML connections for security configuration for Cloud Historian are not supported.

In general, any features/components for which information is not available in the Proficy Historian for Cloud documentation are not supported.

In addition:
  • The performance of Historian Administrator when connected to Proficy Historian for Cloud is not good. We recommend using the Web Admin console, Excel Add-in for Historian, or the Historian REST APIs instead of Historian Administrator.
  • You cannot back up and restore data using any of the clients. This is because the backup and restore functions are performed using Elastic File System (EFS).
  • Although you can install collectors on-premises or on an EC2 instance in a VPC, you cannot install the on-premises and cloud versions of collectors on the same machine. You can choose a different machine or uninstall the existing version of collectors.

Known Issues

Description Tracking ID

The Web Admin unable to connect to DA sometimes.


  1. Reboot the ec2 instance on which the Web Admin is running.
  2. After rebooting the instance, if you still are experiencing the issue, then you need to generate the configuration file again using the Cloud Configuration utility.

Unable to view tags which are in the sub folders of the hierarchical structure for OPC collector when browsed from the Web Admin.


Use the Historian Admin client for adding tags which are in the hierarchical structure.


The Cloud Collector installer does not create instance of IFIX collector automatically when IFIX is already present in the system.


Manually create the instance of the iFIX collector.


The Configuration Utility does not have the facility to provide username and password to connect to iFIX when started in secured mode.


Start the service from the service manager with the proper user credentials.

The uaa_config_tool utility displays NullReferenceException until you enter a command and begin using it. DE182557