Known Issues and Limitations
The following features available in Proficy Historian (on-premises) are not available in Proficy Historian for Cloud:- Messages and alerts.
- Configuration Hub.
- Enumerated data sets, user-defined data types (UDTs), and array tags.
- Collector redundancy.
- Alarms and events archiver.
- Diagnostics Manager.
- Historian as an OPC HDA Server and OPC UA DA Server.
- The File collector, the HAB collector, the Cygnet collector, the Windows Performance Collector, and the Alarm and Events collectors.
- .NET and CA API. These do not work with Cloud Historian as Cloud Historian is Linux based.
- Direct upgrades from Proficy Historian for Cloud version 2022.1 to version 2023 are not supported.
- LDAP or SAML connections for security configuration for Cloud Historian are not supported.
In general, any features/components for which information is not available in the Proficy Historian for Cloud documentation are not supported.
- The performance of Historian Administrator when connected to Proficy Historian for Cloud is not good. We recommend using the Web Admin console, Excel Add-in for Historian, or the Historian REST APIs instead of Historian Administrator.
- You cannot back up and restore data using any of the clients. This is because the backup and restore functions are performed using Elastic File System (EFS).
- Although you can install collectors on-premises or on an EC2 instance in a VPC, you cannot install the on-premises and cloud versions of collectors on the same machine. You can choose a different machine or uninstall the existing version of collectors.
Known Issues
Description | Tracking ID |
The Web Admin unable to connect to DA sometimes. Workaround:
DE196684 |
Unable to view tags which are in the sub folders of the hierarchical structure for OPC collector when browsed from the Web Admin. Workaround: Use the Historian Admin client for adding tags which are in the hierarchical structure. |
DE196693 |
The Cloud Collector installer does not create instance of IFIX collector automatically when IFIX is already present in the system. Workaround: Manually create the instance of the iFIX collector. |
DE191526 |
The Configuration Utility does not have the facility to provide username and password to connect to iFIX when started in secured mode. Workaround: Start the service from the service manager with the proper user credentials. |
DE193502 |
The uaa_config_tool utility displays NullReferenceException until you enter a command and begin using it. | DE182557 |